The Toymaker

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Author's Note: And we have this gentleman here again

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Author's Note: And we have this gentleman here again. But, I am writing a 11th Doctor fic atm, so stay tuned for that one. I hope you enjoy this. :)

Summary: You are having a panic attack. Someone unexpected helps you through it.

You felt your limbs going numb. Your breathing became more uneven, you were hyperventilating. Were you going to die?

It sure felt like it.

You felt your brain getting foggier.

"No, no, no", you pleaded barely getting words out of your mouth anymore.

You weren't in control anymore and it frightened you. Your feet were taking you to the only place you felt safe. However you weren't certain if it was a good idea.

The night was cold and dark, making you shake even more. The shadows grew longer making you feel paranoid.

Finally you could make out the warm light pouring out of the familiar shop window that always had something to be amazed by.

Mr. Emporium's Toy Shop.

You started crying even more, was it even possible to cry more at this point? Apparently, yes.

With your last strength, you rushed towards the door getting inside the shop. Hearing the shop's door's bell tinkle sweetly and getting overwhelmed with the warmness of the shop made you feel better.

You took wobbly steps forwards praying with each step that your knees wouldn't betray you.

You felt tired while trying to stop hyperventilating, you fought against the temptation to sit on the floor. Maybe you could sink through it and disappear from the world and from this feeling?

However it seemed like your body decided on your behalf when you felt your knees buckle. You closed your eyes accepting your fate.

But you didn't come in contact with the floor like you expected. Someone had gotten a grip of you, after a moment you were safely on their lap on the floor.

Your head was resting against a leather apron and you opened your eyes hesitantly. Tears were making your eyesight blurry, but you could make out the man recognising him instantly.

Feeling finally safe you closed your eyes fully resting against him. You had missed the worried look on the man's face and how his blue eyes were clouded with emotion.

Despite your best effort a sob escaped your lips opening the gates for new tears.

The Toymaker had been around for a very long time, but now he had absolutely no idea what to say or do. He had never comforted anyone, he had never cared. He wasn't able to care. Right?

"Meine Liebling...", he whispered afraid if he spoke too loud something bad would happen.

Has someone hurted his precious doll?

Rage filled him even thinking about someone making his precious doll cry. He would torture them, give them much more worse fate than death.

"I-I'm so-sorry", you stuttered finally getting your breathing under some control. The Toymaker was rubbing your back making your body relax. His scent was also comforting you. Oh how you didn't want this moment to go away.

"Why are you ge-apologising?", the Toymaker asked confusion evident in his voice.

"I don't want to be a burden", you mumbled burying your head against his chest, trying to hide away from the world.

You were nervously fiddling with your cold fingers.

"I wouldn't keep you alive if I thought you were a burden", the Toymaker bluntly stated, you snorted with laughter. You had to appreciate his rather odd way of comforting you.

"Thank you", you whispered feeling your eyes become heavier with each passing moment.

"Let's get you to bed, ja?", the Toymaker suggested with a quiet voice. It was weird seeing this very dramatic and harsh man act so quietly and softly.

With your last drop of energy you nodded agreeing to his plan.

You were in his arms, when he carried you into somewhere in bridal style. You were not really present anymore, the fog had reached you fully finally.

You however felt when you were put down on the softest and fluffiest bed ever and getting tucked in, the sheets were warm and soft. Your hair strand was gently brushed out of your face behind your ear.

A soft kiss was planted on your head while you sighed out in content.

"Can you stay for a moment?", you asked voice a bit raw from all the crying.

"Of course, meine Liebling"

You felt the bed dip when the Toymaker sat on the edge while he stroked your hair.

The Toymaker wasn't emotionless, at least when it came to you. He would do anything to keep you happy. To see your smile, to feel your warmth when you hugged him. You made him feel all these, _human_ feelings. You were his soft spot, you had him utterly wrapped around your finger. And you didn't even know that.

Hearing after awhile your relaxed breathing he couldn't help, but smile at the sight of you sleeping.

He really did love you.

Wait. He did what?

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