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Hawkins, Indiana

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Hawkins, Indiana

July 1985

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Hopper's Cabin

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All is quiet save for the faint sound of Angel by Madonna coming from El's room.


The song continues from a pink boombox on a wooden dresser. Max was dancing around in the tiny room while singing along using a hairbrush as her microphone. While El is sitting on her bed flipping through teen magazines featuring the cutest boy actors of the era: Ricky Schroder, Rob Lowe, Jason Bateman, and, obviously Ralph Macchio. El, looking through the glossy and super-trashy Superteen, opens it to the poster centerfold. Ralph was posed comfortably, standing with his hands tucked into the front pockets of his rather tight-fitting blue jeans, perfectly quaffed black hair, smooth bronze skin, and wearing a stylish blue and black sweater.

El gasps and smiles. Max stops dancing around the room and she chuckles. "Oh! You found Ralph Macchio." Max says "Macchio?" El asks, tilting her head, confused. Max grins widely, sitting down beside her. "Yeah! He's the Karate Kid." Max says, she begins to mock air karate chops. "Hai-yah!" only to fall into laughter. "He's so hot, right?" Max asks, earning a small nod in agreement. "I bet he's an amazing kisser, too." Max says with a dreamy sigh. 

"Hey, um, is Mike a good kisser?" Max asks, causing El to flush. Shyly she answers. "I don't know. He's my first boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend." Max reminds

That sucked the fun right out of the air. El's smile falls and she nods in agreement. "Hey, don't worry about it. Okay? He'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness. I guarantee you, he and Lucas are, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now. They're like-" Max begins to mock crying Mike. "-Oh, I hope they take us back. God, what I wouldn't give to see their stupid faces." Max says with an evil grin.

A sudden thought comes to El's mind. Max takes immediate notice. "What is it?" Max asks


Max finally pulls back from the boombox after messing with the dials. Static noise comes from the speakers while El sits cross-legged in front of the dresser. Without hesitation, she puts on a black blindfold. Max turns to El, sitting beside her. "Is this really gonna work?" Max asks

Suddenly there was a sharp ring coming from the stereo, startling Max. "Holy shit, this is insane!" Max exclaims with her eyes wide.

El pulls up the corner of the blindfold, catching Max's gaze. "Max." El says quietly. Max nods rapidly. "Yeah, quiet. I'm sorry." Max says, mocking a zipper on her mouth.

As El puts back the blindfold over her eye, we can hear distorted voices as the room turns completely dark. "What's wrong with me? What did I do wrong?" Mike whines, his voice a softly whining echo

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