Welcome to Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

He and Rory look at each other, then he tucks Pansy under his shoulder and she smiles at him. Rory rolls her eyes and stands next to me.

Me: What happened?
Aurora: I don't know what you're talking about, Mattheo!
Me: I swear I'll smash his face in if...

She stops me and shakes her head

Me: Forget it, this is not the time to think about that...

Someone touches my arm and my sister gives a sideways glance to the girl who was clinging to my cousin earlier.

Pansy: So what's your plan to get into the loser's club? I hope you don't get into Gryffindor, you're way too hot for that house.

Rory's expression softens, hinting at a smirk.
Rory: Thank you...
Pansy: Then there's the parties we have, the first, second and third years aren't allowed, of course. We were the only ones allowed to go in second year. All thanks to Draco.

Rory's eyes rolled and I giggled when I saw her reaction. We keep walking.
Pansy: I heard Mudblood and Carrot Hair became Prefects.
Rory: Yeah, they both went to see if Potter was all right when I met Hemione.
Pansy: That'll be fun, Draco and I are prefects too, but we didn't feel like going with the others, too many Mudbloods.

I nod and look at my sister, who the more she hears Pansy talk, the more she wants to bash his head in; although I know that if it wasn't for Draco, she and Rory would be more than just friends.

Pansy stops suddenly and turns around, Rory and I do the same, attracted by voices behind us; Draco and Potter look at each other with murderous eyes, both flanked by their little group.

Draco: Calm down Potter or I will have to punish you, unlike you I have been made Prefect.
He says in his typical perfidious and haughty tone.
Harry: But unlike you, I'm not a ferret who hides in his friends' trousers because there's no daddy to defend him.

My sister and I looked at each other and put our hands over our mouths to keep from bursting out laughing. Those who didn't hold back were Harry's friends, who burst out laughing, drawing Draco closer.

Draco: Tell me, Potter, how does it feel to have a cell ready in Azkaban?
They all fell silent and looked at each other, waiting for a reaction.
Draco: Tell me Potter, how does it feel to be a crazy, lying...?

Potter tries to throw a punch at him, but is promptly stopped by Redfeather.

Draco: I told you he was crazy!
Harry: Fuck you Malfoy, stay the fuck away from me, do you understand?

The boys walk up to us laughing and high-fiving Draco, who is strutting and imitating Harry's voice. Rory looks at me, his eyes glittering, what are you going to do, sis?

Aurora's POV
I look at my brother and wink at him, he understands after a few seconds and whispers something in Pansy's ear. The girl smiles at me and pushes me.
Me: What the hell is wrong with you?
Pansy: You and your obsession with Muggles!
Pansy and I start to fake fight, although I think I may have inadvertently pulled her hair harder than I intended.
Draco and the others run over and try to separate us, but I whisper that it was all part of the plan.
Theo: I don't know how you can be my cousin, it's disgusting!

All the boys start saying things like that and I always turn my back on the trio of lightning bolts and smile smugly to let them know they are doing a good job. At one point, however, my brother stops them and waves them off.
I stand alone, put my hands to my face and start to piss. Two arms wrap around me in a warm embrace.

Hermione: Oh, Aurora... I'm so sorry...
Harry: Those wicked Slytherins! Malfoy will pay for this!

Hermione and Ginny take me under their arms and we walk towards the carriages. I freeze when I see the animals pulling them; they looked like horses with something reptilian about them, fleshless, with black skeletal coats. They had dragon heads with flat eyes without pupils, and on their backs were large black wings, perhaps of some strange material, as if they were bat-like.

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