20. The fated match

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"It's heavily crowded today." Mihawk said. "Of course it will be. Joker is skating against Breeze. Both are legends." Kid reckoned.

"Where is she tho?" Luffy asked.

"She said she'll come with that doctor." Sabo reckoned. 

"Are they dating or anything of those sort?" Ace asked.

"Nah. Not yet. Both like each other tho." Sanji said.

"Why is the finishing line a grave?"

Then the course was displayed, it looked heavily dangerous. One wrong move and you'll be dead. It was Joker's work.

"Look Black leg is here"

"You mean the legend?"


 Then a motorbike passed through everyone, in high speed. 

It was you and Law. You got off from the bike holding the skating board and smirked. Law was wearing a yellow shirt (unbuttoned) and blue feathery coat along with that, his usual cap. You wore a pink shirt with hearts and black feathery coat.

"Guess I'll see you guys after the match," you said, sending a wink. 

"TEACH HIM HIS PLACE BREEZE!" Kid cheered for you. You smirked as you jumped on your skateboard and rode to the starting line.

It was a cliff.

The sky was dark and a dry tree stood at the end of the cliff. At there a man wearing dark robes stood. The robes according to the wind's composure. 

"Welcome, breeze" the hood unfurled, revealing Doffy, "I was waiting for you." He was wearing a different mask than that of the usual. It looked- bone-y.

"Joker" you spoke his name. He threw away his robes and revealed his outfit. 

"I thought this outfit would fit the most for tonight. It's a day of departure afterall"

"What is he talking about?" Law asked. You and Joker were broadcasted live.

"That's right. To a place where no one can hinder us" He tossed a coin in the air.

You both got ready with skateboards.

"A world created just for two of us" 

The moment the coin hit the ground, you and Joker sped off. 

Doffy took the lead. You knew you mustn't try to overtake him here as you both were skating in a narrow road. One wrong move and you are dead.

There were several icicles and you had to avoid them during your skate. You grinned. This was fun.

"Breeze isn't far behind him. Look"

You placed your hand to your chest. Your heart was beating like crazy. This rush of adreline...

"Follow me" Joker called out, "I am sure that you can come with me"

You spotted a cliff and the idea struck.

"Is she trying to jump?" Mihawk asked.

"GO Y/N!" Luffy cheered.

Using the cliff, you jumped in the air. In the air you looked for Joker, but he was no where to be seen.

"He disappeared?"

"I am right here. I jumped too" a voice spoke from behind.

You both landed back.

"Is that all? I thought you could do better" Then Joker came charging at you, using his combo attack of Love hug and full swing kiss.

"It's a combo attack" Ace yelled.

"Dodge it Breeze" Sabo yelled.

You pulled your head back and dodged it just in time. Joker didn't stop. He tried to do full swing kiss again, but you stomp your board hard and it jumped.

"That's right. Bring yourself higher" Joker encouraged, "The world will open up beyond your limits"

"The camera can't keep up with them" Kid said with a grin.

"How fast can they both go?" Law asked.

"It's dangerous" Sanji reckoned. 

Skate your path to love (Law x reader)Where stories live. Discover now