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I wake up beside my best friend Impa, she's already awake and admiring my prom dress

"Hey bestie" she says

"When did you get here?" I ask a little confused

"I let myself in after your father left" she says

"Imp that was at 4AM" I say and she nods

"Anyway who's your prom date?" She asks and I shrug

"You?" I say, that was my pathetic way of asking, I wouldn't be going to prom if it wasn't for her

Prom was literally tomorrow and my school did a different theme every year. This year's theme was a masquerade ball so we had to wear dresses and suits according to that dress code. So that meant masks that conceal your identity

"I'm going with Fi" she says and I roll my head backwards

"But I'm your best friend!" I whine

"And she's my girlfriend" she says and I sigh

"You'll find someone, maybe Groose?" She says with a suppressed smile and I give her a fed up look


"Why not? he seems to really like you" she says with a small smirk

"He's weird, he uses like 5 cans of hair spray in one day!" I say and she laughs

"Thats true" she says before pulling me out of bed "right, you wont find someone if your lying here in your bed all week"

"I have an idea...if I don't go to prom I don't have to find a date" I say and Impa shakes her head at me

"Come on Zel! Are you telling me you never want a boyfriend...or a girlfriend" she says and I shrug

"I'm perfectly content with where I am now" I say and she sighs

"Well I'm not so come on we are going out" she says before walking to my wardrobe

"Imp!" I say as she throws all my clothes on the floor

"Here" she says throwing me some clothes, I never knew I had, on the bed

I put on the dress that she threw on my bed before admiring myself in the mirror "Impa this is so...booby" I say

"You look perfect" she says before sitting me down in a chair "now, hair and makeup" she says

"I'm not an actress!" I say as she brushes my long locks

"Come on Zel, we're going boyfriend shopping you have to look good for it!" She says and I sigh

"Wait, boyfriend shopping?" I ask with a laugh but she ignores me

"I heard theres this really hot new boy that joined our school last week" she says

"I thought you liked girls?"

"Don't get me wrong girls are hot as fuck but certain boys are just...mwah!" She says doing a chefs kiss

"Your lucky my Father isn't here half the time, if he heard your language he would almost certainly stop me from seeing you" I say

"Well your dads a prick" she says and I raise my eyebrows "look at your hair!" She says turning me so I'm facing the mirror

Impa had styled my hair into a beautiful bun just like hers "thanks Imp! I love it" I say smiling at her

"Are you ready to go find some boys?" She asks and pulls me away before I can hesitate

"Can we go to Rito's first though, I need coffee!" I say and she sighs

"I suppose we can" she says with a small smile "lets just hope it's Teba or Medli serving and not Revali, we don't want him bringing you down" she says

Rito's is a coffee shop owned by a kind old man called Kaneli, it's a family run business and Revali and Medli are Kaneli's kids where as Teba is a distant relative

"Ugh! It's you!" Impa says as she spots Revali on the counter

"I'm not too pleased to see you either" he snarls

"Revali thats no way to speak to customers!" Medli, Revali's younger sister, says

Medli was 16 the same age as us, but she went to a different school, where as Revali has already graduated and is now 21, doing nothing with his life

"Hey Zel!" She says running over to us. Medli was extremely beautiful, she had long brown hair and bright brown eyes that almost look red in certain lighting

Revali on the other hand dyed his hair dark blue to match his best friend's, Kass, light blue hair, they are polar opposites but they work quite well together

"Hey Med" I say hugging her,

"You look beautiful!" She says

"Thanks!" I say with a warm smile and she sits down opposite me and Impa

"So prom, who's your date?" She asks

"Fi" Impa says confidently

"Ooo, you go Impa!" She says with a small laugh "what about you Zel?"

"I don't have one" I sigh

"Thats what were doing now, we are going boyfriend shopping" she says and I still laugh at the sentence

"Right...well have you heard about that new boy, I've heard that he has sparkling blue eyes and dirty blond ha--"

"Stop gossiping with your friends Medli and serve!" Revali yells at her

"Jeez calm down Val" she says getting up "I'll see you guys later, oh and good luck boyfriend shopping Zel" she says,

most people gave her brother the nickname 'ravioli' which really annoyed him but ever since I can remember Medli called her brother 'Val',

she was the best at making nicknames you cant really make a nickname out of 'Revali' but somehow she did

"Anyway once we have this coffee where are we going to go?" Imp asks and I shrug

"You pulled me out of bed" I say and she sighs

"Okay...well you don't find boys at libraries so we could go...Bar?" She says

"Imp, we're 16 what bar will let us in?" I ask and she shrugs

"Oh god I can smell him from here!" Impa says and I laugh, immediately knowing who she's talking about

"Oh hey Zellie, I didn't know you'd be here" Groose says running his fingers through his stupid red hair

"It's Zelda and yes you did" I say with a sigh, I hate the nickname he calls me, whats the point of even having a nickname if it's longer than your actual name! Zelda, 5 letters. Zellie, 6!

"Come on Zel" Imp says taking my hand and pulling me out of our booth "Prom is literally a day away! We have to get a move on" she says

"I don't have a prom date either maybe we could go together" Groose says and I sigh

"Actually she has a date" Impa says saving me

"Who is it?" He asks

"Thats of Zelda's concern not yours" she says and we run out of the diner

"Bye Med!" I yell before we leave


"Yeah yeah I know, I owe you for that one" I say and she smiles

"You cant say no! Thats the problem with you Zel!" She says as we get into her car "we can go to the Pier?" She says and I nod

"Sure" I say and she takes her car out of park

"To the Pier!" She yells before driving forward

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