Episode 7: Crazy For You

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Barry and I were patrolling one night, when we were notified there was a car accident in which the car had flipped, and there was electricity sparking all around them. The firefighters were already getting there, but we were gonna get there too.
    Barry saved the man in the car, and got him to safety.
    "Singer Girl!" Barry called to me. "Check on him for me!"
    I nodded, and went over to the man while Barry went for the woman still stuck in the car.
    I asked the man if he was alright or hurt.
    That's when the electricity sparked massively and an electric fire started, and the car erupted in flames, similar to an atomic bomb. I moved the man away just in time.
    But then I realized Barry was still in the car.
    "Dana!" The man cried.
    "Flash!" I cried. "No!"
The fire was too big to be put out with a single fire extinguisher, if I created it with the Rooster Miraculous. The firefighters went to extinguish the car.
That's when behind us, Barry had saved the woman, which relieved me and the man.
"Flash!" I exclaimed, going over to him and hugging him, clinging onto his torso like a koala.
"How did. . .?" The man couldn't even finish sentence, before going to hug his significant other. The man thanked us, and Barry and I ran off.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco was marveling how awesome what we had done was, after we got out of our suits.
In the meantime, I kept rereading the letter Percy had sent me.

Dear Isa,

It's good to hear from you. I hope you're doing better after the suicidal episode. I'm glad you're making new friends. And with the guy you don't trust, continue to trust your gut. Your gut is telling you that this man could be dangerous, and he could very well be. It's the same way you felt with Luke. You need to tell me all the stories that you've been experiencing. I'm really interested. Just don't try to replace me, okay?
I'm just kidding with you. I know you'd never do that. Your stories and songs have been the only thing keeping me sane and entertained at this point. They're also the only thing keeping me cheery while you're gone. Just hearing from you makes me feel better. You need to keep telling me these, that way I'm all caught up when you return. I do miss you, believe it or not.
There hasn't been much action here. No monsters, surprisingly. Except one thing. We got a new student. The school is doing a program to educate a homeless kid who can't afford schooling, giving him a scholarship. His name is Tyson. He's a big dude, but he's in reality, like a ginormous teddy bear, incredibly sensitive. Some of the kids here keep teasing him, and I've been trying to protect him, but it's not easy, when I'm considered one of the most unpopular kids, and I'm also a victim of teasing. Sometimes I just wish you'd come here and go rampage mode on them. In fact, no girl here would be caught dead talking to me, much less calling my name. I'm pretty sure you're the only girl my age that talks to me right now. 
Despite this, just hearing from you makes me not get discouraged from this treatment. And I've been really getting into your music. It's very different from what I usually listen to, but hearing your voice is comforting. You know, I can never be this honest with Annabeth. You're the only one of our group who I can fully open up to, without fear of being ridiculed. And that's what I love about you. You don't mock me, like everyone else. Just keep updating me, as often as you can. I love hearing from you, and making sure you're alright. And yes, I would very much like to see your recordings of Between the Lines, and hear the music. Please, do send it.
And remember, you're amazing, and you are capable of so much, as long as you put your mind to it. You're kind, brave, caring, and empathetic. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. And I'm always here for you, when you need someone to hold.

Sincerely, Percy.

He was so sweet. I couldn't wait to start on another letter to him. But not much had happened in the days since the last episode, except saving the couple in the car accident. So, I instead started focusing on the second song that had been on the list, which I had been stumped on. The song was supposed to be a solo song for the main character, Delilah, being completely smitten over Prince Oliver, who had come alive from the book, and by the time this song happens, they have had a lot of conversations.
    I was also focused on learning other things, like learning more Japanese, and other subjects.
"I mean, I'm having a hard time getting mad at you for dirtying up my suit," Cisco was continuing.
"Okay, when are we going to start considering it my suit?" Barry asked.
"I'd be comfortable calling it our suit."
My head jerked up. I looked up the Soviet Union anthem earrape, and blasted it on my speaker, which was connected to my phone, at full volume.

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