Episode 12: The Trolls Encounter

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After the goblin and troll meeting they were informed that a shadows have a new enemy fearing for their artifact stolen they immediately preparing defenses to drive those shadow legion away from them. At Taron's Valley a troll scout force has been assigned to   take care of the shadow small force

Troll Axe Thrower: Bah you goblins are slow! Keep it up

Goblin Grunt: pathetic trolls! We were planning to hide our treasures!

Troll Captain: ENOUGH FIGHTING YOU MAGGOTS! As the order of the troll chieftain we must stop the shadow legion to still the artifact!

Goblin Grunt: Aye Chief!

Troll Axe Throwers: Aye Boss man!

About 300 axethrowers and 600 goblin grunts are now at their position after several hours of waiting something feel not right no signs of the shadow legions in their sight

Troll Captain:*holding the axe* where are those shadow scums? You two goblins find thos-*immediately got shot at the head with an elven arrow*

Luna:Kill the trolls and those blasted goblins!

The Shadow Legion:*started to advance by charging at them*

Trolls Axethrowers:*started throwing few dozen of axes at them*

Goblin Grunts:*holding stone swords and charges at the shadow legion*

Meanwhile at the Troll Base

Troll chieftain:*sitting on the throne made from bones while looking at the orb of shadows* hmm I can't believe that goblin king did not send his finest goblin brutes... *Sighs* send another wave of scout forces

Troll: But chieftain were just decreasing our trolls! Why no-*got killed by a throwing axe on the head*

Troll Chieftain:anyway else wants to complain? No? THEN SEND ANOTHER SCOUTING FORCE AND DEAL WITH OUR NEW ENEMIES!

A 2nd wave of troll scouting force was sent to the east were the main battle occured

Luna:*killing 50 trolls by slicing their limbs kill after kill more than 100 of trolls are being killed

Lyra:*shoots my bow at the goblin grunts killing 15 of them* LUNA! WE MUST DESTROY THEIR SCOUTING FORCE!

Luna:*looking at lyra* we need to drain their entire scouting force

Lyra:*fighting off the goblins* We need to push them back! By raining arrows over them!

Luna:Great plan!!*looks at the shadow elves* SISTERS! FIRE AT WILL!

Shadow archers:*top of the valley started to fire their bows with shadow arrows*

The troll scouting force and some goblins are now being cornered of all directions every second many trolls and groblins are now being slaughtered. After hours of killing nesrly hundreds of thousands of scouting forces prince christian has arrive with most of the shadow royal legion

Prince Christian: hm... So they come from that direction?.. we should rest first some will go and scout ahead luna you will take the scouting force make sure to not engage them...they know our presences already so pls becareful too

Luna: spoken like a true king my prince and I will *bows* oh by the way what about the survivors of the scouting force

Christian: hmm are you going to take them a prisoners?

Luna: nope we don't take prisoners alive my prince

Christian: then you have my permission to kill the survivors Luna*smiles* uhm question

Luna: Yes my dear Prince?

Christian: Is it true I can be your king?

Luna: yes if we can manage to obtain orb of immortality and orb of shadows it will make you our king immediately

Christian:Okay thank you *smiles* oh make sure to tell me everything about the troll base

Luna: *nods and went with the scouting forces*

Markus:*looks at Christian* my prince we have some news for you back at azeroth realm

Christian: *looking at markus* what about it?

Markus: some of our casters went back to our previous homeworld they manage to resurrected your late mother Queen Savita

Christian:*hearing this Christian manage to burst to tears* my mother has been revive?!...

Markus: of course my prince actually it was shade's idea and I don't know how he knows your mother's death but we must be thankful for him

Christian: he deserve my thanks after this battle with the goblins and trolls but for now we must focus on attacking the Taron Trolls and their leader...hey Markus

Markus: Yes my prince?

Christian: From now on can you keep counting how many leaders I killed starting now?

Markus: Sure my prince*bows*  I'm surprise that the goblins and trolls are allied to each other...

Christian: thats true our trolls and goblins in our homeland are born enemies to each other...Hmm from what I see our trolls and goblins back in our homeland are inferior to them

Markus: *laughs* no wonder we eradicate nearly 90% of the goblin population were decreased

Wih Luna's Scout force

Luna: sisters be weary of your surroundings the trolls are masters in not being seen

Shadow archer: my lady we arrived at the main base of taron trolls

Luna: very good now prepare for an surprise attack we only need to scout this trolls

Shadow Archers:*nods and all of the shadow archers preparing for ambush in trees and bushes*

Luna:*looks at the scout*you tell prince christian that we found the main base of taron trolls quicky!

Scout:*salutes and rides the shadow horse to the camp in a hurry*

Shadow Archer:My lady look....*pointing at the strange structure*whats that?...

Luna:*eyes widened as luna recognizes the structure* fuck....no  wonder trolls didn't die off 50 years ago....they creat a portal to the trolls homeworld!... We must tell this to our prince he must know about this!!.. sisters its time to go abandon your position now

Hearing the scream of luna the entire shadow force heard a scream as soon as they heard the scream they immediately run back to their main camp but not only her scouting forces heard her screams even the trolls heard it too

Troll Chieftain: Maggots!! Get those shadow scums... They spy on us?... Bahhh ....ALL REMAINING TROLL SCOUTS AFTER THOSE SCUMS!!!

After hearing their troll chieftain said they immediately running towards luna and her scouts but they didn't think that  a mere shadow archers are very smart knowing how to make themselves invisible

//To Be Continued

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