Monsters Elimination Agency and The End Of The World, CONTRACT ACCEPTED!?

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"Monsters Elimination Agency and The End Of The World, CONTRACT ACCEPTED!?"

It was never a well regarded job, or maybe it was just considered by many, a total waste of time. "Monster hunting" was a role that was performed in the Big City of KILLPOP CITY. Living in a city where paranormal or paradimensional activity was the subject of every day, little by little it became the most cursed city in the world.

Ghosts, Wraiths, poltergeist and other unexplainable events were already very common, no one has ever wondered "why?" this kind of things happen, it was just assimilated by the population, as if it was another picnic day for every sighting and supernatural event.

But if there was one phenomenon that made everyone run in terror and chaos broke out, it was the appearance of Monsters, bloodthirsty beings hungry to provoke chaos. These attacks were not very recurrent, but there was no doubt that when they occurred, many would end up dead.

It is for this reason that this agency for the storage of obscure objects and extermination of Monsters exists.

"Monster at the Gate.

Which is in charge of containing and eliminating such beings, and which is now at its worst moment. On the verge of bankruptcy.

In a small building hidden among the big city, lies the agency that once kept everything calm (well, only sometimes).

Only a single employee is working at the agency, but this employee did not belong to the "monster hunting" section that lay in the same building of the agency, her role belonged to the storage of the evil objects that were obtained by the hunters, a lot of relics covered the place, statues, jewelry, clay figures, paintings and even weapons of all kinds. This place itself was given a name, THE GALLERY, or as its sole custodian called it, "the old dust gallery".

Inside the GALLERY, only dust and evil objects were the company of the hireling, but even knowing the dark history of all the things that surrounded her, her imagination to avoid boredom was kept very active, even to play with two cursed statuettes, as if they were "action figures", no spirit or dark entity would prevent her from escaping the hours doing nothing.

"Oh no, now the curse of this ungraceful woman-shaped statue will fall on me and my whole family, Oh no, what a misfortune!"

a little childish imagination helps to make his workday (barely), somewhat more bearable.

Their game was only based on playing "action heroes" with two cursed statuettes which more than one dead person must have had in their history, now being used as action figures on a counter by the careless and lazy employee.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from the ungraceful woman statuette, Paw!"

Just one more glance at the large office of obscure objects, not only were there cursed objects of all kinds, but also, many, many boxes of hamburgers, magazines, some action figures, an old television set and some bottles of whiskey and beers

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Just one more glance at the large office of obscure objects, not only were there cursed objects of all kinds, but also, many, many boxes of hamburgers, magazines, some action figures, an old television set and some bottles of whiskey and beers. A real mess occupied the large gallery.

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