Chapter 1: Finding Our Way

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I look across the hall. I dont know where i am, i have like a space suit on, its orange. Im in some sort of mine system or something? I hear a weird walking noise.. like a big spider or something but with 2 legs. I look behind me. It was a bug with human-like features. [Yippee!]

i walked backwards away from it and tripped over a rubber duck. I fell on a pipe, damaging my arm. "Shit!" I yelled out loud. I kicked the rubber duck at the bug. It took the rubber duck and ran off.


I walk over to Figure.

A: "Figure- where the FUCK are we?"

F: "I.. honestly have no clue."  

A: "Everyones jumping out, maybe we should too."

I adjusted my backpack, praying id survive and jumped out of the front door of the bus. Im now sky-diving over the world. I turned over to see Figure following me from behind. Every second we get closer to the ground as i panic. I try everything, my parachute wont deploy. Figures did, but mine wont. Figure made it on the ground safe, as i am about to hit the ground head first.


At least, it seemed like 50 stars. It was a lot. There was also a lot of white shit on the ground. [its snow, get your mind out of the gutter.] I went up to it and picked some up, and then instantly threw it down. It was powdery, but cold as FUCK. I look behind me to see kids running around playing on a weird play structure. 

"Oh..~ This'll be fun." I clench my fist as i run at them. One by one they spot me, and run screaming. One of my huge arms come from the ground under one of them, as i grab them and bring them to me, throwing them onto the wet, tar road. I stared at the other children, spreading my eyes all over the playground.

I chuckled, and went into a pile of goo in the ground. Then, i popped up behind one of them and snapped their neck. I decided to spare the rest.


I pull my parachute and land safely on the ground. I run off, thinking Ambush is behind me. I come across a gun. I pick it up, seeing Screech in the distance. I aim the gun.



Authors Note: if you have any suggestions, then do tell me

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