Chapter 7

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Draculaura sat next to Frankie who was looking at the stars

Draculaura: are you okay Frankie?

Frankie: I guess...

Draculaura: what were you and Cleo fighting about?

Frankie: that princess thinks she's the boss of me and is now thinking I just sit around while you all do all the work! I swear if Cleo would just realize that I do all the work around here, we would stop fighting!

Frankie banged their fists on the ground. Draculaura placed her hand on theirs

Draculaura: you two have got to get along! we are sick and tired of you two fighting!

Frankie: I know... I'm sorry...

Draculaura got in front of Frankie and kissed their cheek. Frankie and Draculaura both blushed

Draculaura: I'm not mad... just please try... for me?

Frankie: y-yeah....

Draculaura smiled, got up and she and Frankie heard Shell yell


Deuce, Lagoona and Cleo all ran inside the house, Frankie followed them

Frankie: Drac, you coming?

Draculaura was looking at the shed, having a strange feeling

Draculaura: give me a second

Frankie: okay? 

they ran inside the house. Draculaura approached the shed and was about to open it when John appeared behind her

John: HEY! don't go touching that shed! I told you, we're working on something

Draculaura: sorry! I just thought I heard something is all

John: you heard nothing! now get inside!

Draculaura found his behavior strange but decided to head in. she went to the dining room and sat next to Frankie who blushed and turned away. Shell brought out the food and gave everyone some. Draculaura noticed something

Draculaura: hey where's Ben?

Shell: he's not feeling too great, I already brought him some food upstairs, don't worry about him

she nodded and looked at her plate full of food and began drooling a little. they all dug in

Frankie: This Is Amazing!

Deuce: Yeah! I Mean I'm No Vegetable Guy, But I Have Been Starving!

Cleo: Thank You So Much!

Lagoona just ate her dinner in one bite and asked for more. Draculaura was about to take a bite of her lettuce when she noticed her dirty hands

Draculaura: may I wash my hands?

Shell: sure thing! bathroom is upstairs to the left

Draculaura: thanks

she got up and walked up the stairs and went into the bathroom. as she was washing her hands she noticed an empty bottle of sleeping pills tipped over and it was empty. she tried to shake it off but had a bad feeling, she then looked around and saw a camera in the hallway that could be seen in the bathroom. Draculaura just had to pray the door was open to whoever stole those pills. Draculaura then had a look around the upstairs until she heard a loud thud in the room next to her, she gulped and opened the door and gasped seeing Ben on the floor, coughing while looking like he was beaten up. she rushed to him

Draculaura: BEN! Are You Okay!?

she noticed he was bit

Draculaura: NO! Does Your Family Know? Ben Talk To Me!

Ben grunted and managed to whisper

Ben: d-don't eat... dinner! sleeping pills...

his eyes turned to slits and he lunged for Draculaura who dodged and she locked him in the room. she breathed fast until she calmed herself down. her stomach rumbled and she took a bite of the lettuce she stashed in her pocket to eat. she only took two bites when her eyes widened when she remembered Ben's words

* d-don't eat... dinner! sleeping pills...*

she spat out the lettuce but it was too late, the pills were taking effect. she stumbled as she stood up, she slapped herself to try and stay awake. she stumbled down the stairs only to see her friends all passed out and Shell, John and Dan all having smirks on their faces. Draculaura was about to say something when she passed out



Draculaura cracked open her eyes and groaned, she sat up and gasped. seeing her and Frankie trapped in the bathroom. Frankie helped Draculaura up

Frankie: We're Trapped!

Draculaura: I can see that! 

Frankie: What Happened!?

Draculaura growled as she clenched her fists

Draculaura: it was them...

Frankie: who?

Draculaura: Shell, John and Dan! For Some Reason They Put Sleeping Pills In Our Food And Locked Us In Here!

Frankie: WHAT!? W-Why Would They- WHY!?

Draculaura: I Don't Know!  But We Have To Find The Others! Look For A Way Out!

Draculaura tried the window while Frankie tried to kick the door down but both failed. Draculaura suddenly had an idea and unleashed her claws, she then told Frankie to move and began picking the lock on the door and soon she heard it click. she and Frankie then carefully sneaked out and snuck down the stairs but stopped when they saw Dan looking outside from the door

Draculaura: *whisper* what do we do?

Frankie: * whisper* I don't know

they turn to each other

Draculaura: *whisper* maybe we can use the element of surprise?

Frankie: *whisper* good plan, come on lets- huh?

they saw Dan gone

Frankie: Where Did He Go?

Draculaura: He Has To Be Here! He Didn't Go Outside!

suddenly Draculaura felt like they were being watched. she turned and screamed when she saw Dan behind them. Dan kicked them both down the stairs, they quickly stood up as Dan ran at them again. Draculaura blocked his attack and Frankie kicked his knee, making him fall to the ground. Draculaura noticed the broken railing and used her claws to chop at it until it fell onto Dan's arm. they suddenly heard a scream outside

Draculaura: CLEO!

Frankie: You Stay Here! I'll Go Save Her!

Draculaura: yeah, someone has to watch him

Dan growled as Frankie ran outside

Dan: It's Better This Way!

Draculaura: What Way?

Dan: you think it was an accident that Ben got bit? that kid tried to save you all so we brought him somewhere where he got bit!

Draculaura: So Your Saying It's Better To Become Feral!?

Dan: It Is Better!

Draculaura was disgusted by him and kicked his face, making his nose bleed

Dan: OW! You Little-

Draculaura: You Can't Just Force Us To Do This!

Dan: So You Would Rather Live In This World?!


she kicked him again and ran toward the door, she looked back one more time to see a feral Ben running down the stairs and watched him bite his older brother who smiled the whole time. Draculaura quickly shut the door

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