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Being friends with someone usually meant never falling in love with them

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Being friends with someone usually meant never falling in love with them. Cherishing friendship felt more important rather than falling in love with something that can possibly ruin everything. Sometimes, nothing is ever ruined, or damaged. Sometimes, love works out.

But other times, it feels like it never will. And the best option you can make is staying silent, afraid speaking the truth will actually ruin everything. And no one ever really does like ruining everything.

Minho has always been the quiet and observant one. He only ever spoke when given the chance, yet even when he looked anti-social, he wasn't. He wasn't afraid to talk, he just learned when to and with who.

His childhood best friends were never the one stopping him from talking. They all enjoyed speaking to each other. Saying random shit that sometimes made no sense, yet they still manage to laugh it off.

They say best friends drift away eventually, but in this world time, for Minho it didn't feel like it.

Even when romantic feelings are involved, he has a feeling they'll never actually really leave each other. They'll find their way back. As they always did.

Fall was nearly over, winter was just a few days away. Minho observed the weather change, reminding himself he'll need to start looking for some warm clothing. He had been walking to campus with his only two friends that he's been friends with for his entire so-far life. Hyunjin, his first ever friend he'd made. They were each other's next door neighbors. Gradually, their families were close, and so they became so too.

Hyunjin was more known around the campus. They talked about him like they did when they find someone attractive. Of course, Hyunjin was particularly popular around campus. His features were no matter loved by anyone who had spoken to him. It wasn't just his visuals that everyone was whipped about, his personality was rather different than most people. His odd ways of being himself attracted many others.

In a way, you could say he was liked by many faces by doing absolutely nothing, and just being himself.

That was spectacular Hyunjin.

Then there was Jisung. He moved to the house right next to Minho's the next two years later. Jisung was just another whole different person from Hyunjin. Or Minho, himself. Jisung was sharp, quick, alarted. He didn't like being left behind, so he always tried being one step ahead. Ready for anything.

It was funny, because when the two boys had met Jisung, Jisung was a quiet kid who got shy saying one full sentence in front of them. But then, as they grew closer, Jisung found confidence in himself. And he felt comfortable enough to be himself when he was with Minho and Hyunjin. And when they knew they were all finally comfortable with each other, they began finding special safe places in their hearts.

"Let's go winter shopping after this," Jisung had suggested when they found themselves eating their lunch outside the college campus right below a tall tree with a whole bunch of branches with leaves spread out imperfectly.

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