"How's Gunil feeling? I thought you would know," another slightly sarcastic sentence left Hyeongjun's quivering lips. His eyes scanned Seungmin causing him to have difficulties in focusing on anything. He felt as if Junhan was able to decipher his mind and it made him even more petrified.

"I don't know what's going on in your head but I don't like that look you are giving me now," he breathed out, very slowly.

"I don't like the way you have never told me much about him," Junhan confessed, taking a spoon from the sugar box on the table, finding it an easier task than staring directly at his boyfriend during this talk.

"Why would I? He and I aren't a couple anymore. You know how it was, we didn't get on well." Seungmin uttered. It was extremely hard for him to mutter a single word now. The stress was taking all over his body. "And that's it."

They looked at each other for a few seconds. Everyone felt differently, but they were both afraid of what would happen next.

"But... but you behaved as if you still liked him." Junhan lowered his voice so that only Seungmin could hear him and not some stranger sitting in the corner of the cafeteria. Seungmin caught the sorrow lurking in his eyes and sighed quietly.

"Romantically?" Junhan nodded. "Don't think that way. We made up lately, but there is nothing weird going on between us." He lied if you could call it that. He wasn't sure of his words but the tone of his voice didn't show it.

"So why did you defend him so much that day?" He had no idea how much Junhan knew but he was scared he could sense that something was going on in the air. He was never a fan of serious talks so the way Hyeongjun approached him with the Gunil case made his legs tremble.

"I saw him crying. I feel like he really deserves better, you know?" Seungmin confessed. He couldn't suddenly change his attitude towards Gunil to hating him, it would make Junhan way more suspicious and he didn't want that, so he decided to play a little while still defending him.

"He doesn't. He ruined everything. You should think rationally, Jiseok will never be willing to talk with him and you were so pushy! That was disgusting."

"I'm sorry, babe, I never meant it that way, I swear." He swallowed. Seeing his boyfriend getting more angry with each second passing he had to do something.

Best thing would be telling him the truth but it was never the easier option.

"You do?"

"Yes, I do." He smiled at him pleadingly and Hyeongjun tapped the spoon against the table right before putting it back in the container.

"But will you tell me what happened between you and Gunil?" He insisted, staring persistently at Seungmin who sighed at those words.

"Fine," he replied. "But not there. Let's go to the back room."

They wandered slowly to the said place, right after the last customer left the place, which happened to be after about a few minutes. A moment before entering the back room, Seungmin flipped the sign on the cafe's glass door to 'closed' so no one would interrupt them.

"I only know that you two weren't the best pair and that's it," Junhan explained and Seungmin felt his insides tightening. Even though his voice didn't sound pretentious, he felt himself suddenly getting uncertain. "I wanna know how, what and where everything happened."

"It was three years ago," he started. "We met at the mall, he was searching for cookies and I happened to be the one who took the last package." He didn't like the way this story sounded and neither did Hyeongjun. It was as if he were remembering the story of his life, a funny one, that he enjoyed very much.

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