chapter 10

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"Jiseok, I did it." Gunil blurted out as he and Jiseok were talking about the paedophilia accusations again. Jiseok looked up at him. He wasn't sure what Gunil was referring to. "I told Jungsu all these things," he repeated himself, his heartbeat racing and cheeks burning red. He couldn't tell if Jiseok was even looking at him.

"No." Jiseok shook his head to the sides. He was checking laboriously yet nervously if Gunil was only joking. To his surprise, he decided to say even more things.

"I was fucking jealous, I couldn't control myself," his voice was quiet.

He wanted to apologize, but he didn't know where to start. The sight of Jiseok made him forget about everything, his flaring nostrils and furrowed brows towered above everything else.

"I'm sorry, Jiseok, I could no longer hide it. I had to tell you." Jiseok's face was flushed with anger, and his heart pounded in his chest with hurt and pain. "I'm sorry." Gunil whispered.

Jiseok's eyes only narrowed, and it seemed as if he was trying to contain his rage.

"So you and Jungsu kept quiet all the time? You saw me suffering and did nothing about it?" His voice broke, making Gunil tremble. He was still processing the information Gunil had given him—he felt as if everything had suddenly broke into pieces. Gunil, his dearest friend, was lying to him and plotting against the person who had hurt him so much, knowing that he was talking about himself all the time.

"Jiseok, I didn't know how to say that. You don't understand how hard it was for me." Gunil continued, his hands almost touching Jiseok's arms. He wanted to say sorry so badly, yet he had no chance of succeeding. The younger one took a few steps away, growling the next words out with fury.

"I don't give a fuck! The hell were you even thinking?" Jiseok's question pierced his body through and his flaming gaze burned his skin. He took a few steps away, shuddering as the cold breeze ran across his neck. 

"I told you, I was jealous, Seungmin broke my heart, you were getting along with him and I fucking liked you." he paused, he didn't know how Jiseok would react to these words. He gazed up at him and was met with an unbothered and irritated look at the same time. He looked down again. "I am sorry, sincerely sorry."

"Fuck off," Jiseok shouted walking away. He wasn't facing Gunil anymore, and despite his furious state, he shredded some tears—he didn't know what to feel anymore. 

To say he was confused would be an understatement, he couldn't accept this information. It seemed absurd to him; Gunil had been helping him! He had been beside him all the time, saying that they would get through it.

And now, he confessed that he was the informator who spoiled Jiseok's chances to be with Jooyeon. Not only did he ruin his love life, but also his career and relationships with his family. He was the nightmare Jiseok had almost every night. A man who appeared in his dreams several times. A man who had the worst of intentions for him. A man who hated him. 

It was Gunil. It was him from the beginning.

Jiseok's loud steps were followed by the voice of Gunil who shouted at him to stay and let him explain what had happened, but Jiseok didn't want to listen. Gunil was just an idiot no matter what the reason was. To Jiseok it was the end.

He went into his room, found a rucksack and threw some clothes into it. And Gunil? He was in his bedroom too, Jiseok cursed under his breath, for God's sake, why did he have to remove the lock from the door a few nights ago?

"Jiseok, can't you let me explain it? I didn't mean any harm." the older one said, his voice was coarse and he was hopelessly standing at a distance from Jiseok. He knew he couldn't do anything about it. He knew what would happen the moment he had realised his big mistake.

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