She goes to the computer in her old room and decides to type in his name. She does some quick research and finds out he is now a famous politician in Egypt. Malachai seems suspicious about the situation and seems to be really dragged in the newspapers. She grabs an old notebook and opens it. When she opens it she sees her old notes about some old crushes and looks disgusted at them. "Ew, gross!" She says as she quickly flips the pages and starts to take notes in the notebook. She writes about how he emigrated to Egypt a few years back. No one seems to know why he emigrated, but people there do know about how Langton wants to make Egypt the big empire like they were in the time of ancient Egypt again. He seems to have convinced a lot of people so far and Malachai is drowned in the newspapers and her notes that she doesn't notice anything around her.


Malachai gets back into reality now and jumps a bit back after hearing someone calling out for her by the door. She looks at the door now and sees Jake standing there. "Jake goddammit." Malachai says as she is catching her breath again. She stands up and looks up at Jake. Jake looks down at her and fidgets a bit with his fingers. "Look, I want to apologise for before, in the end I shouldn't judge you for fucking with my best friend." "Oh my god Jake stop it." Malachai says annoyed. Jake starts to laugh about it and pats Malachai on the shoulder. "Alright alright, Luke's a good guy. He has helped me through a lot in my career so far. Of course he has his moments, but that's just his ego. About that, it seems to be a lot less than before." Jake now looks a bit suspiciously at Malachai. "What did you do Mal..." he asks with a suspicious smile. "Nothing...I think." Malachai says jokingly as she is genuinely thinking now. "Okay maybe I went a bit harsh on him in the beginning, but he was a really big douche." Jake laughs again as he hears it and puts his hands on his hips. "Yes he is, but he's nice, I can tell you that. He's now making some food for May and June, since they got hungry and I gotta tell you, the man can cook. At least you don't have to cook." Malachai says sarcastically annoyed and pushes him lightly. "Whatever Jake." She says as she's going downstairs now.

When they arrive downstairs, Arden is packing some stuff with May, June and shaina. Luke is walking in at the same time and looks confused now. "Malachai we need to leave." Arden says as he's packing quickly. "Why?" Malachai asks in a confused yet also surprised tone. Arden doesn't respond and keeps packing stuff. "We're going to Rome. Shaina says her dad was seen there recently." He grabs their bags quickly and plans an emergency trip. Shaina keeps feeling nauseous as she's packing her stuff. Jake seems to notice this and grabs the trash can that's next to the kitchen island. He brings it close to Shaina's mouth and tucks her hair behind her ear so that he can hold her hair for her. He leads her to the backyard as she starts to throw up now. Malachai is very worried about Shaina. She knows that Shaina is pregnant, but still seems worried about her.

"She has a lot on her mind lately." Arden says as he stands behind Malachai now. She nods as she looks at her dad. "Her dad means a lot to her, I understand all of this is hitting her hard." Malachai sighs as she looks at the tv now, where she sees May, June and Luke playing on the Wii now. She smiles a bit as she sees Luke getting along with her little sisters now. Arden looks as well as he smiles a bit as well. Jake is about to throw the trash away, until he notices Shaina crying about the stress she's going through. "Mal, can you throw the trash away?" Jake asks Malachai as he tries to comfort Shaina in the meantime. Malachai nods and grabs the trash while Jake is about to hug Shaina comfortingly now. Malachai throws the trash away and notices a creature walking towards her. The same skinless, crooked creature that is spreading over the country is now walking towards Malachai.


Malachai grabs her gun and shoots it right through the head, causing it to fall over. She runs inside and grabs the bags. "We have to leave, now." Malachai says as she seems very stressed and frustrated now. Arden nods and tells everyone to get in the cars. Arden drives in one car where he is in with May, June, Jake, and Shaina. Malachai is driving the other car where she is in with Luke, Clover and Hailey.

"So... how's everyone?" Hailey asks while smiling a bit awkwardly. Clover nods a bit as she says that she's alright. Suddenly something crawls out of Hailey's pocket. It's a naked rat and Clover starts to scream. This causes Malachai to jump a bit and lose control for a second. Luke quickly reacts and helps Malachai get back on track again while he places a hand on her upper back for support. Malachai sighs annoyed, but gives Luke a thank you nod. Suddenly the rat crawls on Luke and he yells as well. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" He yells from his seat. Hailey grabs him back and looks a bit mad. "That's May's rat. His name is Chewie and he's a very nice rat." Luke just looks at her with a disgusted and weird look on his face. After a while they arrive at the police department and they take a big helicopter to Rome. Shaina is holding a notebook and looks like she's about to tear it apart. Malachai seems to notice this and raises an eyebrow at her.

"Are you okay? What's with the book? Can I read it?" Shaina shakes her head and looks scared at Malachai. She seems to also feel guilty about her dad and even betrayed. Shaina seems to have lost all her trust for her dad and Arden seems to have a hatred for the book as well. "Hello?" Malachai asks again. "No." Arden says this in a very stern tone, almost as if he's mad at her. Malachai jumps a bit back again and she decides to just look outside. She feels a book getting pushed to her foot. It seems like Shaina dropped the book, since she feels nauseous again. Arden is too distracted to find the book and decides to help Shaina with Jake who's sitting right beside her. Malachai quickly takes the notebook and hides it in her bag. After this the helicopters land on the airport of Rome and everyone walks to their hotel room. May and June share a room, as well as Shaina and Jake. Clover, Arden and Hailey have their own room. Luke and Malachai decide to share a room as well.

"I'll go downstairs, I need to call my parents with Clover. Please stay safe." Luke says with a warm smile as he gets out of the room. "I will!" Malachai nods as she grabs the notebook now that Luke left. She grabs the notebook and sees that it's Langton's diary. She is very happy as she sees that, but her smile slowly fades away as she reads the first page.

"Her beautiful brown skin, her Jaded green eyes, her black hair and her smile makes me want to kiss her beautiful red lips now. She looks so lovely under the golden sun, shining like a fallen angel.

She'll be mine one day, November 8th 2003, L.L."

She suddenly remembers that day. She remembers that Lucas was there as well. They were preparing Arden's birthday and she also remembers how much attention Lucas was giving her. Almost more than Shaina. She feels disgusted now that she knows the page is about her. She flips the page as she sees a picture of her when she was 15 year old with the text

"She's as fertile as the Nile."

Suddenly the door opens and Malachai quickly hides the notebook under the bed. "Malachai? Are you okay?" It's Arden. He looks at Malachai's shocked and scared face now. He sighs as he reaches his hand for the diary. "Give me the diary. We told you not to read it." Arden says, slightly irritated. Malachai nods and gives him the diary. Arden sighs again and looks at the diary. "I'm sorry, if I knew earlier, he would've been dead already. Shaina is devastated from all of this. Her dad betrayed her and I think she's going through the most right now. She's been crying all day." Malachai stands up and still doesn't say anything. She just shrugs and looks a bit sad now. Arden looks at the diary and gets a bit mad at the book. He keeps himself calm and just shakes it off. "I'll go check on Shaina, you can always go to me if you want to talk, I love you, Malachai." Arden says while he's opening the door. "I love you too dad." Malachai says this back as she's going to lay on the bed now. She thinks about the stuff that could've happened. The mindset of Langton and how her 15 year old self could've been involved in that mindset. After a while the door opens again, This time with Luke entering in, "Your dad told me about it. I'm sorry." He says as he sits on the bed and tries to comfort Malachai by caressing her back, shoulder and arm. Malachai remains quiet as Luke now looks worried at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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