Emerald Green

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Not mine! From AO3 by an anonymous account <3

When Draco stepped into his room, he was expecting to find his roommate with his nose in his books, studying for tomorrow's exam. He was expecting him to be on the phone with his girlfriend, going over their notes, or that Granger girl and the Weasley boy would be there with him, and they'd be discussing the latest episode of some tv show they all like. Some kind of rubbish about wizards and dragons. Not that Draco ever listens to any of it.

Yes, Draco was expecting to find Harry as he always is, always has been.

However, he was not expecting to find him lying on top of the covers in his bed, whimpering and moaning, one hand wrapped around his cock, the other clasped tightly around the emerald green dildo which he has pushed into himself.

"Wow, Potter." Draco grins. "I see you were not expecting me to get back so soon."

"Oh, shit!" Harry blurts out, quickly pulling out the dildo, and scrambling to pull the covers from underneath him so he can get covered up. But Draco has already seen enough, or rather, too much, and the grin on his face only grows bigger as he watches the other man fumble around.

"I thought you were going out with your friends!"

"They cancelled," Draco explains, letting out a chuckle when he sees the dark blush on his roommate's face. "Is this what you do, then? When I'm out, you..."

"No," Harry quickly says, but he has never been a good liar, and he knows it. "I'm sorry."

"Oh, I don't mind, Potter. But weren't you dating that Weasley girl?"

"I am."

"Does she know about your little... friend there?" Draco asks, nudging his head into the direction of the green dildo, which is still firmly placed in the other man's hand, and although it is hidden underneath the covers now, it might as well be out in the open. Because Draco can still see the image of Harry lying there, his head tilted back into the pillow, the dildo pushed all the way into his backside. It is a sight Draco knows he won't forget any time soon.

"Are you going to tell her?"

"I could." Draco shrugs. "But then we would have a repeat of last year, and I do not want to have her in our room again, crying and begging you to give your relationship another chance. Having to witness that once was quite enough."


"So your secret is safe."

"Thank you," Harry says, and he fakes the most uncomfortable, crooked smile. But when he glances over to his clothes, which are crumpled into a pile on the couch at the other side of the room, the smile quickly leaves his face.

"Want me to get them for you?"

"Would you?"

"You don't want to finish that first?" Draco asks, a daring grin on his face, and he can almost hear the thoughts running through his roommate's mind. Is this a joke? Is there a catch? "I don't mind, honestly. Far from it."

"Far...," Harry begins, but the rest of his words disappear into an uncomfortable chuckle. "I can't do it with you watching me."

"Then how about instead of watching, I give you a hand," Draco suggests, the other man's face now turning such a dark shade of red, that for a moment, it looks like he is about to go off. But then he gives a small nod. "You dirty bastard."

"But you said..."

"Shut up!" Draco orders, the other man just staring at him, not quite sure what is happening here. Because although they have been roommates since their first year at college, they haven't exactly been the best of friends. It had started out with little arguments about using each other's toothpaste, or leaving dirty clothes out, but it had quickly turned into bigger fights, until just last year, when they were almost kicked out for getting into a punch-up.

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