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464 words

Summary: Harry gets sorted into slytherin and him and Draco become friends! 😁

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" The blonde offered his hand with a faint smile. Harry took it eagerly, happy to finally make friends. "Harry, Harry Potter"

When Professor McGonnagall came to lead the first years into the great hall, Harry and Draco walked in side by side. The sorting had started but Harry was too nervous to take notice of the other kids walking up to the hat. What house were his parents in? He was lost in thought until he felt Draco move beside him.

"Slytherin!" The hat called before the hat was even on his head.

"Potter, Harry" Harry started walking up to the front while nerves were taking over his body.

"Mhhm...a hard one. A Potter, ey? I've seen some of you before."

"Really? you've seen my parents?" Harry asked excitedly.

"Aaaah, yes...your dad was a hard one too." Could've had some great potential in Ravenclaw...and you'd do well in Griffindor...but that isn't quite where you belong. I was thinking more.... SLYTHERIN!"

A loud applause erupted from the slytherin table in the great hall. McGonnagall took the hat off his head and Harry started looking around the hall. When he saw Draco looking at him with a smile on his face he knew everything was going to turn out alright. He had already made his first friend.

(short time skip)

"Come on Harry we'll be late!"

"Yeah alright, I'm coming."

When Draco and Harry arrived at class it was hard to decide who's fault it actually was since Draco had spent almost an hour in the bathroom but Harry made them go back because he forgot his books.

"10 points from Slytherin for being late!" McGonnagall called. School had started almost 2 months ago and Harry couldn't be happier with how things were going. Draco was a really good friend. Harry didn't really know much about the wizarding world, but Draco was eager to teach him. He had given Harry a complete new closet so he didn't have to wear his cousin's old ones anymore. Draco really was a great influence. The slytherins weren't bad at all, Harry didn't understand where everyone got the idea from. They were just kids like the rest of the school.

"Come sit here Harry."

When they finally got seated McGonnagall continued her class. Harry felt a pair of eyes burn into the back of his head. When he turned around he remembered the look the boy gave him after the sorting. When Harry looked back down he noticed that Draco was making little drawings on Harry's parchment. He was happy to have friends.

Done! I hope you enjoyed it!
My first non smutty chapter turned out really good😭

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