Nightmare Nightmarket part 3: Arrival of the Wiggles

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The next morning

The ponies are having breakfast in the kitchen. They hear a knock on the door.

"(Squee) They're (singing) here!" Sang Pipp.

"I'll get it." Said Hitch as he opened the door.

Pipp squealed in excitement. And she's right, they're here.

"Hi, everypony." Said Anthony.

"Hello, Wiggles." Said Sunny, happily.

"Say, who are you guys?" Asked Misty.

"I'm Greg, the yellow Wiggle who's interested in doing magic tricks." Introduced Greg, as he showed his magic tricks by pulling a rabbit out of his magic hat. "Ta-da!"

"I'm Murray, the red Wiggle who's interested in playing guitar." Introduced Murray, while he's playing his guitar.

"I'm Anthony, the blue Wiggle who's interested in eating food." Introduced Anthony, as he's eating his apple. "I love food."

They noticed that Jeff's asleep.

"Wow. This purple guy sure is a heavy sleeper." Said Izzy.

"Yeah, this is our friend, Jeff. He's the purple Wiggle who's always interested in falling asleep." Said Greg.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Greg. He's always falling asleep. Ok, Everypony, and Wiggles, on the count of three, we have to say, "Wake up, Jeff!" And hopefully, that will wake him up. Is everybody ready?" Asked Zipp.

"Yeah." Said the ponies, and the Wiggles.

"One, two, three!" Counted Zipp Storm.

"WAKE UP, JEFF!!!!!!!" Shouted the ponies, and the Wiggles. Jeff jumps and wakes up and runs in a circle and blubbers.

"Gee, everypony! You surprised me. I was just taking a nap... Hey. It's such a beautiful day." Said Jeff.

"It sure is, Jeff." Said Hitch.

"Oh, and these are our friends. That's Dorothy the Dinosaur." Introduced Greg.

"(Giggles) Hi, everypony." Greeted Dorothy.

"Hi, Dorothy." Sunny greeted.

"That's Captain Feathersword, the friendly pirate." Introduced Greg.

"Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword." Greeted Hitch with a pirate accent.

"Ahoy there, me hearties. Hoo hoo." Greeted Captain Feathersword.

"That's Wags the Dog." Introduced Greg.

"Hi, Wags." Greeted Queen Haven.

"(Barking)" Barked Wags.

Queen Haven rubbed Wags the dogs' body. "Who's the greatest dog in the world? You are. (Cooing) Yes, you are. Yes, you are." Cooed Queen Haven, and Wags liked his belly rubs.

"That's Henry the Octopus." Introduced Greg.

"Hello, Henry." Greeted Zipp.

"Hello, everypony. It's good to see you." Greeted Henry.

"And these are our new friends. Officer Beaples, Zardo Zap, Magdelina the Mermaid, Pasqua, King Mondo, The Teeny Weeny People, the Gloomies, and the Gremlins." Greg introduced to more of his friends.

"Hi, everyone." Greeted Izzy.

"Hi, everypony." Greeted the Wiggly friends.

"So, you gonna introduce yourself?" Asked Gremlin Simon.

"Yeah, my name's Sunny, and these are Izzy, Hitch, Pipp, Zipp, and Misty." Introduced Sunny, as she introduced her friends.

"Oh, this is our Mom, Queen Haven." Pipp introduced.

"Nice to see you, Queen Haven." Greeted Magdelina.

"The pleasure is all mine, Magdelina." Said Queen Haven.

"And this is my Dad, Alphabittle Blossomforth." Misty introduced.

"Hello, Alphabittle." Greeted Murray.

"Hi, Murray." Alphabittle greeted back.

"And this is my adopted baby dragon son, Sparky Sparkeroni." Hitch introduced to his baby dragon on his back.

"Hello." Said Sparky, while waving to the Wiggles.

"Aww! Hello, Sparky. You're so cute." Said Dorothy the Dinosaur.

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