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i find it exceedingly amusing how the cosmo navy has chosen to pick up and use the starfleet dating system, with a few small changes of course, but what is annoying is that they may make these logs a mandatory monthly thing, and then you have to speak out your name, position, and date, but when you are a flag officer like me you have several positions to name out, it's aggravating

anyway it has been two years since heaven's base has come online, i love how they stole the name from those bastards from blue logos, and then put the guy known for killing angels in command of a place called 'heaven's' base but c'est la vie, i'm rather enjoying my new position my XO commander of the VF and kongo forces, a commander akira yamamoto, is a good woman and i do enjoy her company on a professional level, she is professional but not an exact by the book type of person, it is nice, she has passion in her, it gladdens me to see she wants to be here, and she is a lot like me in that she leads by example, and is usually at the front of most fighter exercises, after giving me her assurances that she won't end up dead as a result, i refuse to call her by her nickname off duty for one reason, and one reason alone, there is only one rei, she soon caught onto that after seeing me stare longingly at the ayanami

she has made several attempts to get close to me on a personal level, beyond the simple friendship that we hold, but again for similar reasons i do not 'let her in', so to speak, i have learned long ago, that letting others into your heart is a sign of disaster and pain, the fleet is about to embark on a wargames exercise, and captain yamanami will be coming to heaven's base to relieve me of command so that i may actively join the exercise aboard the ayanami, as we are going to be battling the seventh fleet, led by the yamato it should be fun to see what miracles that ship can pull out of it's ass as without one they have no hope of winning being so heavily outnumbered and outgunned by our own forces

end log

"sir we are getting a hail from the yamato they are signaling that they are ready to begin and they brought some garmillan friends to the party as well" the comms officer said, i rolled my eyes

"how many ships" i asked

"the yamato's seventh fleet encompasses forty ships to our fifty four not including the numerous kongos both sides have access to, the garmillans brought another thirty ships to the table, so we are about even in terms of ship count, the yamato and garmillan fleet have both signaled they have switched to, training rounds and are ready to begin" the radar and comms officer reported

"switch to non-lethal training rounds, once done inform them that they may make the first move

"aye sir" came the reply, as the three fleets began to make their move, the ayanami was a lumbering mass of a ship and so didn't even bother trying to maneuver evasively, instead it chose to take up position at the front of the enemy fleet ready ram them with a ton of simulated fire

as the battle began with the garmillan flagship, the nirvales, a gelvades-class astro battlecarrier, that was brought back into service after the disaster that was the gatlantis war, it was commanded by fleet captain melda dietz, if i recall, the nirvales' CO and my XO, had a bit of a rivalry, which came out in full force, as the entire garmillan fleet had targeted the ayanami, problem was where the ayanami goes it's fully kongo compliment followed, and opened fired on the garmillan fleet alongside the firepower of the ayanami itself, as i ordered all ships to target their flagship, i was a bit vindictive like that, it didn't take long before the nirvales was making a hasty retreat, fortunately for them, the yamato had sent a small task force of atlas-class ships, to aid the garmillan flagship, so it was able to escape before being put out of commission for this fight, the bad news was that two of the atlas-class ships were quickly taken out in their withdrawal

"sir the enemy fleet has made jumped to FTL, speed is warp 6" the radar and comms officer said

"a tactical retreat eh, where are they heading" i asked

"looks to be the asteroid belt sir" the officer said

"hmm have our fleet make a pursuit course, after recovering our fighters" i said

"have a plan sir" akira asked

"i do, it's called spray and pray, but first i wanna see if i can make a few potshots enroute, inform our fleet to move to warp eight" i replied, she smiled mischievously at that, as she barked out orders and the fleet jumped to warp, but it didn't take long before something happened as the ayanami began to shake rather vigorously

"report" i ordered

"unknown, some anomaly we believe sir, the yamato's forces are also caught up in it" the radar and comms officer said

"get the yamato on the horn immediately" i ordered, thirty second later, the yamato's captain appeared on screen

"commander kodai, i don't like this, i'm ordering my fleet to switch to live rounds i suggest you do the same" i said

"understood, and good idea admiral, we will leave this to your jurisdiction as highest ranking officer, sir" kodai said, i nodded, we soon managed to drop out of warp

"status report" i said, akira however found it more interesting to stare at her commanding officer rather then give a report

"commander, status report" i ordered

"uh sir, i recommend you look in a mirror" she said, i blinked

"what in the blazes are you blathering about" i asked annoyed

"sir, i think you should really go to sickbay" she said, i sighed

"will you give me my report, on the way commander" i asked annoyed

"yes sir" she replied still staring at me

"then get my report" i said, she nodded quickly compiled the report on the fleet status before we made our way to sickbay, where she reported that all ships on our side have reported in, and both commander kodai, and captain dietz have reported they also had no missing ships which was a small relief, as i entered the medbay, where the ship's chief medical officer, Dr. yuria hoshina, who just like the XO took the opportunity to stare at me

"instead of just staring could you explain WHY you are staring" i asked getting extremely annoyed, she gestured towards a nearby monitor, which she switched off, he walked up to it, and his mouth fell open at what he saw

"take a scan of me i need to confirm something" i said, the Dr. nodded, as she did so

"my scans ready you are ruffly fifteen years old" the girl said, she then scanned herself and the first officer

"huh akira and i are seventeen again" she said, but i ignored that, i walked to a nearby console and opened a channel to the bridge

"bridge set course for earth maximum warp, blow out the engines if you must i want to be their ASAP" i said

"captain, why do we need to get to earth so quickly" akira asked

"you'll see, you wouldn't believe me otherwise" i replied grimly, as i exited the bridge

"captain" the Dr. said leaving her sickbay to go after him

"you shouldn't be walking around not when we don't know how we all deaged" yuria said

"doctor if we are where i think we are, then i know exactly why we deaged and it shouldn't affect us at all besides getting a few extra years out of our bodies" i replied before continuing on my way to the bridge to see we had arrived, and i could see the red world, as i slowly walked onto my bridge collapsing into the command chair

"life signs" i asked, though i had a hunch as to the answer

"affirmative captain, but it's scattered there are roughly four hundred life signs on the surface" came the radar officer's response as he scanned the surface of the planet, once the scan was complete

"there are five major floating objects flying around the world, one is on course for what i believe to be antarctica, with three of others acting as escort the last  seems to be floating over paris, france" the officer said completing his report

"try and open a channel with the one over paris" i said, he did so and nodded

"this is admiral shinji ikari, of the TDMF-001: AYANAMI, and it's fleet to unknown vessel, i do hope that is you katsuragi" i said

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 07 ⏰

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