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Both chuuya and Dazai sat down on the edge of the high wall at the side of the beach and stared at the sunset while sitting beside one another, feeling each others warm touch of their arms. Dazai felt something tingle inside him, something he had never felt before.

"When I die, I hope I go out just as beautifully."

Dazai smiled and he stared softly into the alluring sky ahead.

"Stop with the shitty suicidal stuff will you and just enjoy the damn view for a moment!"

Chuuya nudged dazai on the arm where he'd just had his last needle.

"Ow... t-that hurt chibi, how mean of you to assume I hadn't been looking at this mesmerising view!!"

Dazai sighed in relief as he basically just saved himself from getting questioned and revealed of the incidents back with Mori.

"Just shut up then shitty dazai."


A few hours later, it started to get dark adm the moon began to rise and glow down, Dazai relaxed his head in chuuyas shoulder, Chuuya wasn't fazed, nor was he angry about it and just let him do so unbothered.

"The moon is beautiful isn't it chuuya?"

Staring into dazais eyes knowing exactly what he meant,

"Yeah.. I guess it is"

Chuuya couldn't help but smile. Dazai looked up at chuuyas face and placed a small passionate kiss on his lips. Chuuya was shocked at the surprising moment but without any thought, he joined against dazais moisturised lips and at that moment, was Shirase standing right above the two on the graveyard.

"heh... I know exactly who and what you are.
Osamu Dazai."

Walking off into the silhouette darkness.

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