~ 59. Split reahersal and truth or dare ~

Start from the beginning

Teodora: (encouragingly) Great job, everyone! We're sounding better than ever.

Ana: (smiling) I can feel the energy building up. We're going to rock the stage in two days!

Max: (grinning) I can't wait to share our music with the audience. It's going to be epic.

*After a few hours of intense rehearsal, FolkBeat Harmony wrapped up their practice session, feeling confident and ready for their performances at the music festival in Split. With their final preparations complete, they eagerly awaited the opportunity to showcase their talent and passion on the international stage.*

--Skip time--

Teodora's pov:

*When the rehearsal was over, we went back to the hotel for dinner because there was still time. 

First, we left all the things in the room that we brought to the rehearsal, and then we changed into the everyday clothes we wear.*

 -Skip time-

*When we finished dinner, we went back to the room.*

Kate: What do you say we go for a walk around the city tomorrow, it's late now and besides, we're not performing tomorrow.

Andrea: Of course. But what are we going to do now, we certainly won't sleep at 8 in the evening, hahah.

Ana: Truth or dare? What do you say?

*We all agreed on that game. We sat in a circle and took one bottle. Theo spun the bottle and it landed on Ana and David.*

Ana: Hmm.. David... Come on, take it easy to begin with. Kiss your dear Kate.

*At that, David just smiled, got up from his seat, walked over to Kate and kissed her tenderly. Then he returned to his seat with a smile and Kate was also smiling.*

*The atmosphere in the room shifted slightly, filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation as the game of truth or dare continued.*

David: (grinning) Alright, my turn. Let's see who's up for a challenge. Theo, truth or dare?

Theo: (rubbing his hands together) Dare, of course!

David: (thinking) I dare you to serenade Ana with a love song.

Ana: (blushing slightly) Oh, come on, David. That's too cheesy.

Theo: (rising to the challenge) Challenge accepted! Ana, prepare to be serenaded.

*With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Theo cleared his throat and began to sing a heartfelt love song, his voice filling the room with warmth and melody. Ana listened, unable to hide her smile, as Theo poured his heart into the serenade.*

Ana: (teasingly) Not bad, Theo. Not bad at all.

Theo: (bowing dramatically) Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all night. Now (excitedly) My turn! Daniel, truth or dare?

Daniel: (grinning) Dare, of course. Hit me with your best shot.

Theo: I dare you to do your best impression of a famous celebrity.

*Daniel pondered for a moment before launching into a hilarious impression, capturing the essence of the celebrity with uncanny accuracy. Laughter filled the room as Daniel's performance unfolded, earning him cheers and applause from his friends.*

Kate: (clapping) Bravo, Daniel! That was spot-on.

Daniel: (smiling) Alright, my turn. Max, truth or dare?

Max: (confidently) Dare, always up for a challenge.

Daniel: I dare you to perform a dance solo right here, right now.

*Without hesitation, Max rose to his feet and launched into a mesmerizing dance routine, his movements fluid and graceful. The room fell silent as everyone watched in awe, captivated by Max's skill and passion for dance.*

Ana: (impressed) Wow, Max. That was incredible!

Max: (breathless) Thanks, guys. Just felt like busting a move.

*As the game continued, each member of FolkBeat Harmony embraced the challenges and revelled in the camaraderie of the moment. Laughter echoed through the room as they shared stories, secrets, and silly antics, bonding even further as they prepared for their performances at the music festival in Split.*

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