Chapter 18

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On the train to Hogwarts the next day Violet talked non-stop to Fred, George, Lee and Daphne about her conversation with Susan Bones. They all agreed that it was extremely weird, and helped her to try to come up with possible theories about who her father could be. Lee and Daphne had already heard about the trial and what had happened at the Quidditch World Cup, as it had been plastered all over The Prophet that morning with the headline "Descendent of Cassandra Trelawney Cleared of Murder" along with a photo of Violet in her manacles being escorted down to her hearing. She was furious, she hadn't even noticed the photo being taken.

"At least you look sexy in the photo." Fred had said, in attempt to make her feel better as they departed from Molly and Arthur on Platform 9 and 3/4s.

"Yeah, and it says you were cleared of murder! So that's good, with the emphasis on the cleared part!" George had added.

"I know it said cleared but that bitch Rita Skeeter didn't need to go into all of the gory details of what happened!" Violet replied, "The first years are looking at me like I might Avada one of them any minute!"

"Come on ladies and gents, she's not a bad witch! Look she's a happy witch!" George said, pinching her cheeks to make her smile at the swarm of first years now staring at them. "She'd never hurt a hair on any of your little heads!"

"George! Stop that!" She scolded, tearing her face from her hands and blushing as the wide-eyed students averted their eyes again.

"Oh sorry! I was wrong, she's a very, very bad witch!" He said in a mocking tone, furrowing his brows in an attempt to look threatening.

"George!" Violet exclaimed, shooting him an angry stare. He shrugged, laughing as they boarded the Hogwarts Express.

Daphne talked about her Summer after she'd finished quizzing Violet on the World Cup, and yet again it had been an awful one. She had told them about how tense things had been back in Paris, and that she thinks her parents may be getting a divorce.

"Shit Daph, a divorce?" Violet had asked, her eyes wide as she gripped on to her best friends hand.

"Yeah, I just don't see how they can go on arguing like this. It was the same last year. I don't even know what they're arguing about. Dad's done something, obviously, and mum's furious." She said, glumly. "I don't know why they can't just put it behind them, I mean what could be so bad that they would scream at each other all Summer about it?"

"Maybe he had an affair?" Lee asked, earning a light smack around his ear from Violet. Fred, George and even Daphne giggled at the look on Lee's face as he narrowed his eyes and rubbed the spot she had smacked.

"Shut up Lee! That's not what she wants to hear right now!" Violet hissed, turning to her friend who was smiling at her.

"You shut up Trelawney! One more smack and I'll get you back, I don't care if you're a girl you've got it coming!"

Violet smiled, rolling her eyes.

"Alright Jordan, you smack me back and we'll see what Fred has to say about it."

"Don't you involve me!" Fred piped up, "Lee's right, you do have it coming." He winked. Violet mock gasped in shock, placing her hand over her heart.

"Let's not talk about it anymore." Daphne said, still smiling as she gazed around at her friends. "I'm here with you guys now, I've been dreaming about it all Summer. I don't want to let it ruin my first day back."

"Okay, but we're all here if you do want to talk about it Daph." George said, taking her other hand and squeezing it. Daphne's cheeks blushed, causing Violet and Fred to give each other a knowing smirk.

Hindsight - Fred WeasleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon