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Today aka Wednesday, Gunji and Tenkubashi were assigned to a new mission, were they have to keep an eye on an illegal alien, trying to sell illegal items. Gunji was very nervous for this mission because Reiji ( AMO Kanto Branch Special Riot Police Supervisor.) had told them that the alien was a menace and it had so many criminal record and no police were able to catch him so they were asked to search for him as they were in squad 3. And as gunji was so nervous he forgot to wear his mulch in rush (it's a watch made in AMO and if you don't know how it works, go watch Tokyo aliens. I am sorry lol, I can't explain so much :).........

"gunji-san I think we should..."

"e-eh w-waaaaaht!! Yeah-yeah we shou-ld!"

"are you okay?"

" y-y-yeah i-i-i-i--- fine...!"

"you.. don't sound fine to me.."

"no i-I really am tho!!"

"( - gunji-san's scared but he won't admit it, will he be fine doing this mission?) ok..."

"y-you were saying something, tenkubashi- k-kun.."

"never mind"

both continued to keep an eye on the alien by hiding behind a truck, but suddenly an unexpecting creature pounced on them from behind. Both lost the track of the illegal alien while fighting the creature. "oh-no, no, no! we lost the track of the alien, tenkubashi-kun!! W-what s-should we d-d-o?!" gunji says while still fighting the creature, "yeah..let's finish this real quick and search for the alien..."..'mm!'. both continues fighting until gunji gets enarvated  " tenkubashi-kun..i can't keep up anymore...sorr- suddenly gunji collapses "gunji-san!!' tenkubashi-kun kills the creature with all his might and immediately rushes towards gunji. "gunji-san, gunji-san!!" he keeps shouting his name. Blood flowing through gunji's stomach. "gunji-san don't worry I am here!! Get a hold of yourself, gunji-san!!..."mhm...? " gunji with blurry vision..."tenkubashi-kun?..heh.. I am not dead, huh?" tenkubashi feels relieved after seeing gunji's smile that fade away immediately..but why is he smiling? Tenkubashi wonders as he picks up gunji.

338 words :) sorry its a short chapter and please ignore my English 

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