The Next Day

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You: ~wakes up and goes to kitchen and make you a bowl of cereal....while your eating cereal you go sit down on the couch indian style and watch spongebob~
-Phone rings: Caller ID: Jazz -
You: Hey girl
Jazz: heyyy bishhh what chu been up tooo?
You: nun much just been chillin you kno wbu?
Jazz: that's good girl and i've been good
You: oh coo coo
Jazz: yea so how has the new house been
You: terrible asf...
Jazz: wym?
You: ok so there's these two boys who live next door and-(gco)
Jazz: ooo wait is they fine, cute, sexy, etc.
You: Jazmyn!
Jazz: what?!
You: let me finish
Jazz: there's these maybe fine boys next door...?
You: ugh there's these niggas next door that won't stop partying...
Jazz: omg girl why you ain't tell me you kno i looooove partying
You: why you think i ain't tell you
Jazz: ugh whatever just ask them to turn da music down
You: don't you think i already tried that
Jazz: well did they?
You: they turnt it up but then after that they turnt it down
Jazz: oh well maybe you should party with them for one night see how it is
You: yea maybe i will
Jazz: mmk
You: ok bye
Jazz: bye
-You both hang up-
*Hears a knock at the door*
You: who is it
???: it's me ma
You: huh tf *checks peephole* oh him -opens door*
Dewayne: wassup m- (gco)
You: yn
Dewayne: oh yea wassup yn
You: nun what you want
Dewayne: aye we havin a party tonight wanna come?
You: mmm idk
Dewayne: come on ma i mean yn right?
You: yes it's yn and i'll think about it...
Dewayne: ight see ya there
You: ok bye *closes door* hmm I'll see ya there alright...

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