Drones followed the contestants' movements, hovering outside the window, surrounding the entire pool with countless eyes in an instant.

The contestants, puzzled by the sight of Jiang Luo and Chi You, were startled.

"What are they doing?"

"Why does he have a knife in his hand?"

"Is he going to kill someone, fuck!"

With his back to the crowd and numerous drones, Jiang Luo revealed a smile to the demon. He slightly exerted force on the dagger in his hand, and the talisman pinned at its tip began to burn under everyone's watchful eyes.

"Look, everyone, the ghost-seeking talisman is burning," Jiang Luo raised his voice, "Bai Yefeng is possessed by a demon!"

The drones transmitted this scene clearly into the live broadcast.

There are no more than a hundred young people involved in metaphysics across twelve high schools nationwide, but there are still quite a few disciples under the six major sects aware of the metaphysical community, most of whom knew Bai Yefeng. At this moment, the live chat exploded unexpectedly with this scene.

【Fuck fuck fuck?】

【Are my eyes deceiving me, why would the ghost-seeking talisman burn on Bai Yefeng???】

【Bai Yefeng is possessed by a demon? When did this happen? Someone as talented as Bai Yefeng can be possessed? My worldview is shattered】

【I'm baffled, Bai Yefeng is a fucking ghost?! When did he become one?】

Jiang Luo continued, "In the past three days, I noticed something was off with classmate Bai Yefeng. After several tests, I discovered that inside classmate Bai's body, there was a demon hiding."

"This demon disguised itself as classmate Bai so well that it didn't raise any suspicions," Jiang Luo locked eyes with the demon, his lips curled, "This is terrifying... How long has the demon been possessing Bai Yefeng? These three days, or a month, a year, two years... or perhaps, five years ago?"

Jiang Luo's not-so-loud voice, like a torpedo in deep water, instantly stirred up a huge uproar among the students.

"How is this possible..."

But even the slightest possibility was enough to terrify everyone.

Xu Yan suddenly remembered the question Jiang Luo had asked him before, what was Bai Yefeng like in the past?

At this moment, his mind was a blank slate, unable to recall what Bai Yefeng used to look like.

Ordinary and unremarkable, Bai Yefeng, who had gradually started to stand out five years ago, had completely replaced the once obscure Bai Yefeng in his memories.

...But was that gentle and kind Bai Yefeng really the Bai Yefeng of the past?

He shuddered violently.

Jiang Luo pressed the demon in the water, "Who are you, and why have you possessed Bai Yefeng? How long have you been in him?"

Question after question, his voice was sharp and oppressive.

For the first time, the demon's face sank.

Ghastly demonic aura twisted across this face, with black mists stretching out like ghostly claws from his body, sending chills down anyone's spine, even through the screen.

Any person whose plans were sabotaged by someone else would be engulfed in towering rage.

Especially since this puppet had been an important chess piece that Chi You had been preparing for five years.

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