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A Spell from the past

GOLDEN RINGS REMAINED SHATTERED ON THE BOTTOM FLOOR OF THE SANCTUM, long after Peter and the three others had left. Stephen was left standing puzzled in the middle of the room, taking in the sight before him. He bent down, touching his finger against one of the shards, immediately pulling back as it scorched him. He examined the pieces further, keeping a distance, wary of being burnt again, but he couldn't figure out what it meant. Never in his life had he seen the rings from a spell remain after it had been removed. He thought that after Venom scratched the rings they would disappear when he removed the spell, but after coming back down after escorting the four boys out the door, he found all the rings still where they left them. He wanted to figure it out for himself, but he knew he would have to discuss it with Wong. He just didn't want to appear dumb in the eyes of the sorcerer supreme. 

He let out a heavy sigh, rising from the ground and taking one last look at the rings before leaving the room. He made his way toward the library and Wong raised his head as Stephen entered.

''Hey Wong,'' Stephen started.

''I take it you've encountered another problem?'' Wong raised an eyebrow, ''And came to get my help. As usual,''

''That's a little unfair, don't you think?'' 

Wong shrugged in reply, going silent again.

''I need to ask a question about spells. I removed one, yet the rings still remain..''

Wong seemed to think about this for a moment, as if he didn't know the answer either but then he spoke up, ''It's not unusual for the remains of an old spell to resurface,''

''No, no. It isn't an old spell, we just did it today,'' Stephen clarified, earning a weird look from Wong.

''I assumed, but that's not what I meant. You see, sometimes when a spell is cast and removed in not-so-great circumstances, it causes the surrounding energy to be disrupted and bring up another spell that is associated with those energies,'' Wong explained.

Stephen looked at him for a long while, unsure of what sort of spell could have resurfaced, ''How do I find out which spell it is?''

''Fix the rings. Anyone could have guessed that, Strange,'' Wong chuckled.

''Right,'' Stephen pursed his lips together, turning to leave the room, ''thanks, Wong,''

He made his way back down to the bottom floor, thoughts of what the spell could have possibly been circling his mind. He was a little worried if it had anything to do with aliens. He entered the room, looking at the rings again, getting his magic ready to mend them. He moved his arms in different motions, the rings beginning to rise and fix themselves up. Strange watched them carefully, preparing in case anything bad were to happen. Soon enough, they were fully repaired, increasing in speed as they circled him. above him, the air seemed to crack as blinding purple light began shining in his eyes. Shadowy figures looked in at him from the cracks, and he looked back in astonishment, trying to recognize the faces, but he couldn't. Suddenly all the rings came together, a bright light flashing before him, and suddenly he remembered everything. 

Everything about Peter Parker.

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Peter sat quietly in a small chair within S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters, Bucky by his side, both watching as Sam and Fury discussed something quietly in front of them. Suddenly Peter rose from his seat and made his way toward Fury, an unsure frown on his face, ''Hey, Mr Fury,''

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