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Amidst the hustle and bustle of university students getting from one place to another, Beomgyu feels at ease walking in the middle of chaos, not possessing the burden of assignments or essays and whatnot himself. He observes the stone pathway beneath his feet and its visible cracks and holes as proof of its long existence, maybe even before he was born into this world, with a purpose. As he does this, he sees a wallet drops in his peripheral vision, and without thinking he picks it up and turns his head towards the person who has dropped it, "hello, miss? You dropped your wallet."

A few people turn their head towards him, but he is too focused on the girl who has clumsily dropped her wallet. When she turns around, it feels as if Beomgyu's heart skips a beat and a breath hitches in his throat, the world freezes for a moment before the girl realizes that it was her wallet that he found, she walks over to a starstruck Beomgyu, "oh my gosh! Thank you so much! I don't know what I would've done if nobody noticed and I end up losing this."

In a hurried manner as if she has to catch a train on a certain schedule, she thanks Beomgyu profusely, so dramatic, so pretty, he is enthralled and is not able to form even a single coherent word. Instead, he stands there and watches her go, not without a final thank you from her, "seriously, thanks again!"

"N-no problem," he manages to voice out, even though she is gone already. Before the regret of not asking for her name and number hits him, he feels as if the world has been flipped upside down. He ignores the stares of numerous passerby who probably think he is a weirdo for standing in the middle of a pathway. The spot where she held his hand to thank him still feels warm, and thus the warmth makes its way up to his cheeks and everywhere in his body. He feels recharged and new. He wonders if she feels the same.

Meanwhile, on the other side of things, the said girl is running late to her shift and as she hurries to the place, all she can think of are consequences if she arrived late. The kind stranger's help is the last thing on her mind, and finally she arrives, on time, almost late. She lets out an exhale of relief, "thank god."

The routine in her shift starts like the usual, no delays, no nothing. Just a good ol' shift like any other. Her mind finally drifts to when the guy returns her dropped wallet and she feels silly thinking about it. About what would happen if she had lost it for real. She regrets not being able to thank the kind stranger properly, she thanked him like one hundred times, it felt like, but she still feels like it was not enough. Something tugs the back of her mind when she thinks about the stranger. Even though he is a stranger, he feels strangely familiar. Maybe she has seen him somewhere, or maybe it is just a fragment of her imagination.

Two hours into her shift, a band starts to play and a familiar melody fills the cafe. Although in perfect combination with the other instruments being played, the strumming of the guitar stands out in her ears. A immense pleasure to her auditory senses, then it clicks, and everything falls into place. The guy, the song, and the guitar. She knows him! Not personally, but she has seen him. He's that guy. She is all too eager to check him out but she cannot leave her post before her shift is over. She can only hope he will still be there when she finishes.

And he is. He is there. Not waiting for anything in particular. He looks like he is just enjoying his time alone, hesitantly, she approaches him with a nervous smile, "hey, we meet again.."

Before he looks up from his phone, Beomgyu feels the tug he has familiarized himself with, on his wrist. He thinks of the words to say, but not wanting to look weird to not respond to the greeting, he meets her eyes, "hey."

"Nice to see you, again."

Standing up now, he braces himself for a closer step, not wanting to waste this chance, "nice to see you again, too, my name is Beomgyu, what is yours?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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