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This is the story of a girl named Alexiea Robbins. She was born hundreds of years in the future from where you sit now, and most importantly, she was born on the moon. After the tragic events of the 21st century; climate disasters, a global war, and uprisings around the planet; humanity decided something had to change and began to rebuild. Eventually, they decided technology was ready to put them in the stars and the first Lunar station was built. 

100 years later Alexeia Robbins is a Science History PhD candidate focusing on ensuring the children of tomorrow have a well-rounded education when it comes to the history of their home. More than that she believes in scientific innovation and wants to make her own mark on history by developing a safer system for emergency response within the station. She believes many lives could be saved by having better protocols for when disaster strikes. The problem? Disaster rarely strikes. 

But they live on the moon, with a simulated atmosphere and a very delicate system. She knows it's only a matter of time before something was to happen. So she turned to the one true disaster in the moon's history: Station 451. 

Station 451 was the second colony on Luna, located on the "light" side of the moon on its southern pole, nearly directly opposite her home station. Why? Well, Station 451 was under UN control, whereas her station is the direct by-product of the Asian Pacific Coalition and the two powerhouses of Earth were in a race to colonize the moon first. It was a fierce competition and the two intergovernmental organizations were incredibly protective of their secrets for success. 

The two stations saw their first colony ships within months of each other, it wasn't for another 20 years that disaster struck. Station 451 suffered a catastrophic failure due to a biological containment issue that resulted in a total loss of life. At least that's the story that Alexiea is told. 

And that's all she is told. She can't figure out what happened to Station 451. What was the biological outbreak? What happened to the people? Why did their disaster systems fail? Why were they unable to stop this? Any time she goes looking for answers she's met with red tape and classified documents. This only makes her dig further. Something obviously happened that either the UN or perhaps her own government doesn't want her to know, but she's determined to find out the truth. 

Together with a thrown-together crew, Alexiea sets out in a modified ice-hauling truck 2000 miles across the dusty marred surface of the moon on a quest for the truth. Is it dangerous? Yes. Is it exciting? Absolutely. Is it totally against the law? Unfortunately. Will she and everyone involved risk a lifetime in prison or forced labor in the mines if they're caught? Most definitely. But is it worth it? Alexeia thinks it is. And she's about to find out if she's right.

The Search For Truth (and other things I was wrong about) --Beta titleWhere stories live. Discover now