Update/Teaser: New One Shot

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Writer's Note: I'm working on a new one shot for my other series "Take the Shot". Be sure to follow that series for future updates. 

Can We Be Tight?

Logline: One weekend getaway. One explosive dinner where secrets are revealed. One game of chance. Three "couples" on the outs with one burning question. Can We Be Tight Again?

"...I don't wanna feel like I'm chasing, wasting time on you. If you're really through that's cool. Don't hang up the phone as I pour my soul... It's been about two years, had fears. But girl, I had to call you. I had to stop my drinking, smoking, even stop my ballin'. I heard that y'all broke up. Hope that you ain't too choked up. One day I just woke on up. Baaabyyy can we be tighttttt?" 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

Coming soon... 

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