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(A/N) time for a new chapter! >:D

(Y/N's Pov.)

Where... Am I?

(Narrator's Pov.)

The ground is soft like fur, yet, you feel so weightless, as if you are nothing and all you see is a dark void, so lonely yet relaxing, the air felt slightly cold as it hit your skin. You take in a deep breath, enjoying the cool crisp air, you did not feel as if you were in your bedroom, or anywhere at all, you just felt... Comforted, comforted by such empty darkness. You tried moving but found yourself paralyzed, you tried not to panic, but failed as you tried your best to quickly open your eyes, you start to take quicker shorter breaths. Who knew this could turn into a nightmare, the air starts to get thick as you struggle to breathe, your eyelids feel too heavy to even move anymore, until you hear a calming voice... It sounds slightly accented, or heavily.. You can't tell because you were struggling to do even the slightest movement.

(???'s Pov.)

Poor human, they're having a nightmare, what can I do?... Oh I know! 

I spoke into the humans ear, trying to not startle them too much 

"Calm down, nothing bad is going to happen, you'll be fine."

(Narrator's Pov.)

The sweet unknown voice caused you to settle down again, strange on how you'd follow a unknown voice, as you slowly calmed down, it seemed as if you were floating again, enjoying such bliss.

[This timeskip is brought to you byyyy ✨️A tired animator!✨️

(Y/N's Pov.)

"Jesus christ what was that dream earlier?.." I muttered looking down at my hands resting on my lap, trying to figure out who was talking to me, I had never recognized that voice before, it was definitely accented, but it was so hard to tell...





"Wait... Was someone in my f*cking house?!" I shot up from the side of my bed, looking around for any signs of someone else being there, I found nothing but an unlocked window which I kept unlocked since Lucy tends to explore in the woods in my backyard, so I didn't assume anything. I turned around and went back to my room.

(???'s Pov.)

"The was so damn close..." I huffed, clutching my shirt.

"Quiet, someone else could be around then us!" My colleague shushed me, holding their hand over my face. "It's not long before we move to the next phase of U.Ns plan...

Word count: 394

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Word count: 394

A/n: Okay my authors note booth is now cat proof, I am so so sooo sorry for holding this off, but I still have a life 😅, i'll try to make more time to continue this story as far as I can! <33

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