Later, I walked into class.
I pretended to be miserable as my girlfriend always is.
Considering I'm in her body now, I need to act like her.
I sat down in my chair, looking around.
I see Wednesday walking into class.
Well I guess me technically.
This whole situation is weird.
We decided not to tell anyone.
If the teachers find out, they're gonna think we're cheating on our exam.
The last thing we need right now is to fail it.
Wednesday sat beside me.
We sit in a group table with yoko, too.
The bell rang, indicating that class had started.
Just in time, Yoko comes running in.
"Just in time, Yoko."
The teacher said.
She smiled before sitting with us.

"Enid, what's wrong?"
She asked.
I replied.
"No, I meant Enid, not you Wednesday."
I keep forgetting this isn't my body.
She's asking Wednesday.
This is gonna be a long day.
"I'm fine."
I what Wednesday replied.
Yoko looked at us.
She looked at me, then wends, then back at me.
She had a wide smile.
"Omg! You two went swimming in Briar Bay!"
She shout whispered.
"Your Wednesday," She said, pointing at Wednesday in my body.
"And your Enid."
She said, pointingpointing at me this time.
She smiled and nodded.
"How did you know?"
I asked.
"Girl, I'm your best friend. I know you."
She said before a quick pause.
"Plus, Wednesday is never this cheerful."
She laughed, and Wednesday roled her eyes.
"Well, can you help us?"
Wends asked.
"Yeah, last week there was an incident where these 3 guys went swimming in Briar Lake and changed bodies. The teacher gave us a lesson on it so we wouldn't make the same mistake as they did. I specifically remember you two running off to fool around in the bathroom while she talked about it."
Me and Wednesday blushed at what she said.
"Well, how do we change back?"
I asked.
"You can't."
She told me with a serious face.
My jaw dropped, and so did wends.
"Nah, I'm messing with you."
She said, chuckling.
I punched her arm.
"Your a bitch. But seriously, how?
"I have no idea I was playing roblox on my phone. But there is a book about it in the library."
Yoko admitted.
"That's perfect. I have a free period next. You can go look for it in the library."
I told Wednesday.
"Okay, after that it's our exam then we'll just leave school."
She said.
"Sounds like a plan."

Wednesday's POV

Dang Enids boobs are great.
Anyway, I'm in the library now.
Our exam is next period, and to be honest, I'm scared.
I get straight As.
Enid is mostly a B and C student.
She could ruin my performance if she fails this exam.
Either way, that's not the main issue right now.
I skim the shelf looking for the book when a guy comes up to me.
"H- Hey Enid. You look v- very pretty today."
He's sweating and trembling.
I swear if he asked me out, I would vomit in his face.
"I was w- wondering if you would like to go out -"
"Uh, you didn't let me finis-"
"No, go away."
He walked away, looking more depressed than me.
I shake it off, and I find the book.
It's titled "Lakes of Nevermore."
I open it and almost immediately find the page about Briar Lake.
It says if you swim in it from 2 pm to 4 pm, you switch bodies with another person.
That is if there's another person with you.
I keep reading, and it says to change back, you need to swim in it from 2 am to 4 am.
That means me and Enid need to get up at 2 in the morning.
Just great.

Enids POV

Curse this day.
I'm sitting in 2nd period.
In Wednesday's second period, actually, all while she looks on how to fix this mess.
And of course I have to present something.
Kill me now.
The teacher called me up to present.
She has a collage of pictures but no sentences  or even keywords.
Only Wednesday Addams would have a presentation like this.
"Okay, hello everybody, my name is En- uh Wednesday Addams, and here's my presentation on Isaac Newton."
I exhaled before yapping about anything I could remember about this dude.
"Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when an apple fell on his head because he was under the apple tree and an apple fell."
Great start.
"He had a big IQ and was very smart. He was good in math and had a big brain. Like I said, he's very smart. Now, he is mostly famous for gravity. He found gravity. Because he's smart. I think."
That's all I got out before the teacher stopped me.
"Thank you. Wednesday, I think we've heard enough."
I nodded and went back to my seat.
What a disaster.
I hope wends found something.

Wednesday's POV

It's 3rd period and me and Enid and I started our exam.
I terrified Enid will mess up my straight As with this.
I love her, but let's just say she's not a great student.
Either way, I finished before her and waited in the hallway for her.
Finally, after 40 minutes, she walked out.
I said, grabbing her hand.
"Let's go."
I dragged her all the way back to our dorm and explained everything.
"So yeah we need to wake up early."
Enid rolled her eyes.

[Time skip]

I had set my alarm for 3am.
My favorite time of the day.
I woke up, Enid, and we made our way down to the lake in the freezing cold in our pj's.
We held hands and jumped in together.
As soon as we went in, we rushed back out.
The water was frozen, I tell you.
"So what now?"
Enid asks me.
"I think we just go to sleep."
I explained.
I held her hand all the way back to her bed and fell asleep beside her.

When we woke up the next morning, we were back to normal.
I was back in my body, and she was back in hers.
Oh, thank goodness.
That was a crazy day.

I'm gonna be totally honest with you, I forgot this story existed and genuinely forgot to write more chapters💀

This is just a random chapter while I figure out where I want this story to go from here.
Anyways have a good rest of day/night!!

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