Into the deep. (REGRETEVATOR)

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The elevator dinged. It had reached another floor. 

This time, it stopped at the large, underwater aquarium. The large plexiglass pane and the water outside glimmered a deep blue color, dimly illuminating the room. The sound of flowing water from the small exhibitions of fish made a pleasing ambience. 

However, only two people would be enjoying it today. The two being Poob and Pest. The two stepped out the regretevator, looking around. Poob eagerly ran around the aquarium, examining every little detail. Pest, on the other hand, calmly looking around, mainly admiring the large window. 

Poob ran up to the tanks, smiling and giggling as they looked at all of the marine animals that were on display for everyone to see. Pest followed suit, looking over at the small animals. 

This was how the two usually functioned. Pest wouldn't go near Poob, and Poob wouldn't go near Pest. However, it was the common occasion where Poob would annoy Pest. And unfortunately for Pest, that was the case for today. 

Poob instantly ran over to Pest, grinning widely. 

"Pest! Look! Look!" they shouted happily, tugging on his sweater sleeve. Pest groaned slightly, muttering something incoherently under his breath. 

"What is it now?" they asked them, rolling their eyes. 

"Come look! I wanna show you something?" Poob exclaimed happily, practically already dragging Pest along with him. Pest chittered agitatedly, but didn't say anything in protest.

When they finally stopped, Poob pointed to something in one of the large tanks. 

"Look! It's like us!" They yelled happily, as Pest look over at what he was pointing to. 

They were pointing over to two small corals. One was a swirl of purple and yellow, with hints of other colors. The other one was a dark red, far enough from black to discern in as a dark shade of red. And both were close to each other, almost merged to one another. 

Pest looked over to Poob, who was smiling widely, almost exactly like a small, enthusiastic child. He sighed, rolling their eyes. 

"Yeah... I guess." He responded grudgingly, only to satisfy the party-lover. Poob giggled childishly, extremely happy that his 'friend' had agreed with him. 

"They're so close! That's so cool!" They added on, flapping their hands happily. Pest raised an eyebrow at that, but shrugged it off, simply nodding in agreement. 

"Do you think we could be that close? Or maybe we already are!" They asked him, but it sounded like they were just rambling to their self, with Pest to simply listen to him. Pest simply shrugged, not wanting to continue this odd conversation. 

"I don't think I want to be that close with you."  He muttered in Japanese, but Poob didn't hear or understand him. "Can we be like that?" Poob asked him, smiling.

Pest chittered once more, but nodded. Only to make Poob be quiet. But what he didn't expect what had happened after that, which was that Poob had grabbed his shoulders and planted a kiss. 

They pulled away quickly after, their face tinted extremely pink. Pest's face mirrored the same tone, and their eyes were wide open. They looked at Poob, extremely surprised, and slightly agitated.

Poob, on the other hand, was anything but mad. He was giggling and smiling widely. Their face was also pink, but their intentions weren't supposed to be negative. 

"Can we be closer now?" They asked him, smiling. Pest grumbled and chittered angrily, before sighing deeply. They couldn't deny it, maybe being with Poob could be... nice. But they didn't want to swallow their pride just to admit that to them. 

"...I'll think about it." He finally said, looking away. Poob smiled widely, before cheering and hugging him tightly. 

"Yay! So-so there's a chance! Right?" They exclaimed excitedly, looking up at him with a smile. 

He nodded, frowning slightly. Poob giggled happily, and hugged him tighter. Pest was irked, but didn't say anything, letting the other continue hugging him, with the only sounds being the tanks water filters creating an ambience that was good enough for the both of them.

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