ch. 1.5

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at the party


Before the  party, all I could think about was my encounter with Isaac. I can't stop thinking about him. How the hell am I supposed to kill him now!

"Hello Chéri. Do you mind having a dance?" I look up to see non other than the guy I'm supposed to kill. I have to take this opportunity before I back out. "Sure, Isaac. Let me buy you a drink after." I smirk. Killing him might be easier than I fist thought. I let him drag me to the dance floor. His eyes are just captivating. I can't think things like that. I just need to kill him! Ugh! "Are you okay Chéri?" I stare at his worried eyes. "You actually worried about me?"

"I know that you're not childish or stupid. You can stop pretending. I hate nobles also." My eyes widen. He knew. He knows that I'm smart. He knows that I hate nobles. He knows everything.

"Don't act shocked. You'll draw attention to us. Actually, let me take you somewhere more private."

No! He's going to kill you. Just like you were going to do to him!

Safe! Follow him! He is good! He is trust worthy.

Somehow, I listened to the second voice. I silently, and nervously, followed him. Damn it!

Why can't I kill him.

He leads me into a room and closes the door.

"I take it you want to know how I know your identity?" He asks. I nod. "I'm also well known. But my nickname is red, short for little red riding Hood. Second most powerful assassin, besides Wolf, obviously."

My eyes widen. He is like me, an assassin.

"It is well hidden but clear that you are intelligent. These poor Americans think you are an idiot! My Chéri! How dare they!"

"I'm not yours, Red." I say simply. He smirks. "Going off of code names, are we, Wolf. Just know, to them you're the big bad wolf, but to me you're a puppy." I let out a small animalistic growl. This ass has no right to call me that! But....... The nickname is..... not that bad. No! Bad Cache!

"You must have questions, Chéri." Isaac said. "Don't call me that, red." He smirks, "ok.......pup." I glare at him and sigh. "Just fucking answer my questions."

"Question one, how did you find out my identity. Question two, why do sparks go off every time we touch. Question three, why am I unable to kill you." I don't want to admit this but...... This scares me a little.

"These are valid questions Loup. Answer one, I'm not stupid. Answer two, we're soulmates. Answer three, we're soulmates."

We're WHAT! after that thought, black fills my vision.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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