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Late January 1014. Gainsborough, England. King Sweyn's Castle

Drip Drop.

I turned over in my uncomfortable bed and wiped the rain off that had fallen onto my tired eyes. I was sick of being stuck in this stuffy castle, even if it had only been five days. It rained constantly, the ceilings had leaks, and if that wasn't already enough King Sweyn threw loud parties that lasted until the morning. I longed for my cozy bed back in Wales. But ever since King Sweyn had declared to send all princesses from the surrounding areas to see if any were suitable for his sons, it seemed peaceful sleep was non existent.
My father was a king of a small kingdom in northern Wales. I knew coming here was a waste of my time, I surely wouldn't be picked. There was no way a princess of a small Welsh kingdom would be picked over the princess of Ireland, but my father sent me anyway in the hopes of strengthening political ties.
Sighing, I got out of bed and opened the curtains, finally getting up for the day. I looked in the mirror and brushed through my (hair length) (Hair Color) hair.
"I hope I get to go home soon." I said out loud to myself while looking in the mirror. A knock on the door interrupted my train of thought.
"Yes come in." I said out loud while still trying to get ready. A small blonde girl opened the door and walked into the room. She was a servant.
"Excuse me miss, my Welsh isn't very good. Can I get you anything?" She said in broken Welsh. Her face was downcast.
"I speak Danish and English." I said turning to look at her and smiling. Her eyes lit up seeing I could understand her.
"Oh thank you. What can I do for you this morning?" She asked smiling back at me.
"Could I have a glass of water if that's alright?" I said back, still brushing through my hair.
"Of course. I was sent to tell you that King Swenyn sends for you to see him after you've finished getting ready." She said softly while holding her hands together
"Guess he's putting me out of my misery and sending me home huh? I knew it. I will say that my father will be disappointed that I'm not the next Queen of England." I said while laughing under my breath. The idea of him picking me was foolish.
I moved my from the mirror and began to pack up  my belongings.
"M-miss I don't mean to interrupt you but all of the other princesses were sent home last night. He declined them all. You're the only one still here." She said now rubbing her hands together and looking around nervously.
"What?" I said turning around from my suitcase to look at her.
"I'm sorry. I've said too much haven't I? I apologize. Please don't tell anyone I told you that." She said frantically.
"Of course I won't. Is there anything else you heard?" I asked softly looking at her.
"I don't want to get in trouble." She said in a whisper. Her eyes were down looking at the floor. She was shaking in fear.
"I promise I won't repeat a word. I know you don't know me but you have my word." I said moving closer to her. I looked into her eyes.
"You're Princess (Y/N) right?" She asked quietly looking into my eyes trying to read me.
"Yes." I said back
"I heard King Sweyn say your name while I was cleaning the throne room last night. He said it while talking about his youngest son. His names Canute but that's all I caught." She said after looking around at the windows and door for anyone listening in.
"What's he like?" I asked in a whisper.
"He's very quiet. I've been here my whole life and I've only heard him talk a couple of times, when I did he was very polite."
"Well that's good at least. What does he look like?"  I asked
"He has blue eyes and long blonde hair. He's tall too, when you see him you won't miss him. He's very handsome."  She answered
"Thank you." I said taking her hand in mine and shaking it.
"You're welcome your majesty." She said back softly smiling
"You don't have to call me that. (Y/N) will do." I said moving my hand off of hers and taking a step back.
"I couldn't. I'd get in trouble." She whispered back
"Well then just when we talk then. It's nice to be called by my actual name for once."  I said while running my fingers through hair.
"Alright Ms. (Y/N) I'll be back with your water. Then I'll help you get ready for your appointment with King Sweyn."
"Thank you. What's your name?" I asked looking at her.
"I don't have one." She said smiling back with sad eyes before leaving out the door.
Just as quick as she left she had returned with a glass of water in her hand.
"Thank you." I said taking it from her and taking a sip.
"You're welcome. Are you ready to get ready?" She asked looking at me.
"I am." I said turning and smiling "but I don't know how to prepare for this."
"Mm well I know King Sweyn likes the color blue." She said looking over her shoulder again for any eavesdroppers.
"I have a blue dress. You can see if it's fancy enough. My father had it made for me when he found out I was sent a letter to attend. It's in my suitcase." I said pointing to my bag in the corner
She bent over and picked the dress out. It was a pale blue silk dress with green ribboning. Her eyes grew wide looking at it.
"This is perfect." She said looking and smiling
"Great." I said turning and smiling back
"Well let's get you dressed then."
As she carefully tied the last knot on my dress I looked into the mirror. The dress fit well. I put on the family  jewelry my mother had sent me with, making sure to put on my tiara evenly. I brushed though my hair one last time to just to make sure.
"You look beautiful." She said looking at me while I bent down to put my slippers on.
"Thank you. I couldn't have figured out how to put this dress on by myself." I said looking at her softly.
"Of course. Are you ready to meet with the King?" She asked.
The question sent chills down my spine. King Sweyn was known as a ruthless ruler. A king who had killed many people to wear the crown that he does.
"No. But I'm ready as I'll ever be." I said looking at her and nervously smiling.
"I promise you he's not as bad as you think." She said back trying to ease my nerves.
"Well. I think I'm ready." I said after taking one last look into the mirror, making sure everything looked perfect.
"It's just down the hall. I'll lead you there." She said opening my door and walking out.
Each foot step closer to the throne room made my heart beat faster. I had no clue what to say. What if I messed up? What if I said the wrong thing? What if-?
"Your majesty, we're here. Open the door and he should be waiting for you on the throne." She said smiling and stopping right in front of the door.
"Aren't you going to go in too?" I asked
"I can't. You'll be fine." She said squeezing my hand. I nodded my head in agreement and smiled back at her. I opened the door as she took a step back from me.
King Sweyn sat on his throne in the middle of the room. The sight of him made my blood run cold. I could feel his gaze trying to analyze every move I made. It was as if everything in the room was lined with gold and if I made the slightest mistake I would tarnish it all.
"Princess (Y/N)" he called once he saw me enter.
"Yes your majesty." I said back after bowing before him, trying to keep my wits.
"Thank you your majesty. Come closer ." He moved his hand to motion me forward. I walked closer, finally being able to see his full face.
"How are you Princess (Y/N)? Are you liking things in the castle?" He asked
"Yes your majesty. Thank you for hosting me here, I am ever grateful." I said looking up at him, trying to control my trembling.
"Of course, now forget the formalities. Do you enjoy England?" He said resting his head on his hand while looking at me.
"Yes I do. It's beautiful here." I said nervously. I didn't like life in England, I wished I was in Wales, but to tell the truth would dirty my fathers honor.
"You like the rain?" He asked
"I do." I said smiling while looking up at him.
"Good. Princess (Y/N) I have been watching you the last few days you've been here . You seem to have a certain air about you." He said tightening his gaze, "You're well spoken, educated, and graceful. There's no doubt that one day you will be a great queen."
"Thank you your majesty I appreciate your words." I said looking up at him. His eyes no longer scared me.
"I have such confidence that you will be a great queen that I have brought you here to offer you the opportunity to be Queen of England after I've passed." He said
My mouth opened but a sound didn't come out. Shock took over my body. He looked at me and smirked before continuing,
"I have sent all the other Princess's home. I believe that you are the right pick to marry my youngest son, Canute. Not just because of the political gain, which I'm sure you're already well aware of,  but I truly believe you two will work well together. If you accept, I would like for you to stay here in Gainsborough until his return in a few days. Then you two will meet and be wed. I have already sent word to your father." He said looking down on me.
"I- of course I accept." I said while running my hands over my dress trying to calm myself.
"Lovely and so it's settled. We'll have a feast tomorrow to celebrate." He said breaking into a wide smile and grabbing his cup of wine.
"Oh I couldn't ask you to do that that's too much work." I said while moving my arms.
King Sweyn got off of his throne and walked down to where I was. He towered over me.
"My dear you're my daughter in law to be, its my honor. This is cause for a celebration." He said in a booming voice that rang through the halls.
"Are you sure it's still-" I started to say before he cut me off.
"While I'm sure you know much about being royalty, you've got to much to learn about being English royalty. The first is that nothing is too much when you're the King of England."

AN: yay! Introduction is done! I hope I set this up well so please plz tell me what you think. I'm so excited to write this story. I've switched this story around from what I thought it would be originally and instead am making it a forced proximity trope🫢 thank you so much for reading it means a lot 💙💙
*For those waiting on the Thorfinn book first chapter is almost done and new chapters for my first book are coming soon!  I just felt very inclined to write this today!

((Also I will probably make yn from Wales in most of my works because I have lived there for part of my life so it's easier for me to write background character info for.))

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