As Kaito hurried home, he couldn't help himself and grabbed one of the delicious treats off the top of the tray. As he took the first lick of the cone, though, he felt a greater awareness of how wonderful it tasted.  He thought his taste buds were about to explode with flavor.  Though the Vocaloid certainly had an unnatural love of ice cream, he'd never remembered it tasting quite this good.  "Maybe it's something special about that batch..." he said as he ate with far more gusto than normal.  Soon he'd devoured the entire cone and felt a craving for more.

Kaito stopped walking and took a seat at the bench, grabbing another cone off his top tray.  Somehow it tasted even better than the last one he'd had - sweet and savory, with fruit chunks in it.  But unlike normal, when he tended to take his time with every bite, he found himself gobbling it down with unnatural speed.  The third cone went much the same way, Kaito still obsessed with the flavor.  "I've never had ice cream this GOOD before!" he exclaimed between bites.

By the time he'd cleared out the first tray of ice cream cones, Kaito noticed a tightness around his midsection.  "Oh no..." he muttered, "Did Rin shrink my pants again?"

He ran a finger under the waistband and noticed two things - one, his pants were definitely tighter.  And two... his stomach felt a lot softer than he remembered.  But he brushed off the second - after all, he couldn't gain weight, so perhaps his memory was faulty.  Before he could question the status quo any further, he felt that ravenous hunger come back and he was back at work, clearing out his trays of ice cream cones.  By the time he'd eaten his way through a second tray, he started to get a little concerned as his hunger didn't seem to be going away... even for someone like Kaito who loved ice cream more than almost anything in the world, he normally had a limit.  And he was started to feel a draft around his stomach...

Kaito's eyes widened as he noticed his shirt was starting to curl up over his rounder stomach, which was now pushing it's way over his pants.  He placed a finger on it and to his horror, felt a far fleshier softness there where he'd, earlier in the day, had a flat stomach.  As he ran his hand around it, he could feel the soft curve under his fingers.  "How... how did this happen?!" he gasped out.

As if in answer, his thicker tummy only growled again.  Kaito nervously glanced at his last ice cream tray.  "I... I probably shouldn't eat anymore..." he said, remembering Meiko's scoldings earlier in the morning.

But as his hunger won the battle with his wits, he found himself reaching for another ice cream cone.  "...after this tray," he said, "I shouldn't eat anymore... after this tray."

By the time his tongue touched another decadent scoop of ice cream, Kaito found himself forgetting about his concerns about his figure and just lost himself in the flavors.  He didn't regain his senses until he'd finally eaten all of the cones... and by now, his shirt was revealing far more of his rounder body.  Kaito began to panic - he had no idea what was happening to him or why, but his body seemed to be getting larger right before his eyes.  He tried to yank his tank top back down over the fleshy sphere, but found he was getting far too much resistance.  Every time he tried to tug it back down, it popped right back up again.

Desperate to conceal his changed appearance, Kaito zipped down his jacket.  While he got some resistance and he could feel his stomach packed up against the fabric, he could at least conceal his embarrassing condition from the rest of the world.  He wanted to just head straight home until he remembered he needed to make a trip to the convenience store.  "Okay..." he said, "I'll pick up some more ice cream... but... I'll save it for... later!"

But Kaito's resolve felt weaker as his hunger demanded more.  His larger stomach felt so incredibly empty... even though Kaito had spent the last hour gorging himself on ice cream cones, the maddening hunger made him feel as if he'd not eaten in weeks.  As he approached the glass doors to the convenience store, he got a good look at his reflection.  His jacket and pants seemed tighter around his arms and legs, and his face looked a bit softer.  'I shouldn't go in!' he said to himself, starting to back away from the door.  But his hunger won out yet again and Kaito found himself marching inside.  He grabbed a basket in each arm and marched straight to the ice cream freezer, filling the basket with as much ice cream as he could carry.  'I can't eat it right now,' he reasoned, 'I don't even have a spoon!  So it's for... rationing...'

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