"Did you get it Camerwoman
Or do we need to do it again?"

"Oh I got it all"

"Good let's get prank number 2
Up and running"


"Ava hurry up they're gonna be back any moment now, if Clint sees us he's gon-"

"Calm your beans stresshead I'm done"
AJ sassed back as she climbed back into the vents. "Plus he's gonna have a hunch it was us anyways"

"No we're blaming
Wanda and Peter"

"Of course we are"

The two had been up to all sorts of shenanigans throughout the day. They started off with the spider prank on Thor and Steve, then they found Bucky asleep on the couch so they of course decorated his arm with all sorts of magnets and stickers,they then decided to put temporary blue hair dye in Tony's conditioner and lastly of course they had to get back at the duo that had ditched them today. They ended their day of pranks by Bubble wrapping both Nat and Clint's bedrooms.

"A successful day of pranks
I would say" Kate said proudly

"Yeah but can we get food now.
I'm Hungry" Aj whined.

As the two entered the kitchen they halted at the sight, the place was a mess. It had been turned upside down, the draws and cupboards were wide open, pots and pans were all over the place.

"What the he-"
AJ was cut off by Steve, he was using a rolling pin as some sort of weapon and he had a cooking pot on his head.

"Don't come in here we need to catch a spider" Steve told the girls.

"It's huge"

Thor told the pair, like Steve Thor had also decided to use kitchen utensils as armor, he had a pan on his head, a cooking board as a shield in one hand and a wooden spoon as a weapon in the other.

"Thor I've got it.. never mind it's
just fluff" Steve yelled as he continued
to search high and low for the spider.

"Well we will leave you two to it"
Kate told the duo as she grabbed a bag
Of chips from the kitchen counter.

"Yeah catch you later"

Aj giggled as she followed Kate out the kitchen passing Wanda on the way out.

"Don't go in there wands
it's a shit show"  Kate told her as she continued to head towards the couch.

Wanda looked at the two girls confused as they continued to head to the living room. She shrugged it off as she really needed to find her dad, something was happening to her and she didn't know what it was.
Wanda, indeed, entered the kitchen, and was quite taken aback at the utter mess that had emerged. It looked like someone had broken into the kitchen but she had to laugh at her father and Thor. She eyed them suspiciously as they scavenged round the kitchen frantically.

"What are you two doing?"
Wanda asked.

"Wands kiddo you can't be in here
there's a spider on the loose we think
it's poisonous" Steve told the girl seriously.

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