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It was in the middle of summer. Dazai and chuuya were in the middle of a small mission just bickering about small things as usual since they only had minimum time left before they could head back to the port mafia until dazai randomly had the urge to scream Chuuyas name, and which so he did. Chuuya was confused and asked,

"what the hell dazai, im right next to you. What?".

At this moment Dazai didn't know what to say but didn't want to make chuuya angry, so he just covered it up with the first thing that came to his mind,

"Let's have a sleepover Chibi!"

... silence filled the area for a split second until chuuya blurted

"what the fuck...?"


Dazai continuously begged chuuya until he eventually decided to agree.
Back at the Port Mafia, Dazai and chuuya asked if chuuya could take dazai home with him for the night, Mori decided to agree as dazai wouldn't listen if he said no anyway,

"On one condition."

Mori finished as they were just about to head out. Dazai knew exactly what he wanted and followed him into his office leaving chuuya with koyou to distract him while dazai was taking his shots, needles, experiments, etc, straight away chuuya knew something was off but didn't want to ask a member of the port mafia so he just decided to let it be for now and keep it to ask dazai later on. After dazai finished taking his shots, him and chuuya casually strolled out of the Port Mafia,

"Oi dazai what was that all about back there?"

Despite the confused look on his face, Dazai did not want chuuya or anyone to know about the issues with mori.

"What do you mean?"

Dazai, trying to change the atmosphere, just laughed and brushed it off with a smirk. Chuuya immediately knew there was something wrong but didn't want to push him and just played on with the facade.


Back at the sheep, chuuya gave dazai some of Shirases spare clothes for the time as he didn't want them to know he was talking with a member of the Port Mafia as they would kill dazai and most likely chuuya aswell. A few hours later of showing dazai around, they bumped into other members of the sheep, Shirase and Yuan.

"Who's this, chuuya?"

Shirase splinted, Looking dazai up and down

"And are these MY clothes?!"


"Well..yeah, and he's a friend of mine that's staying over for the night."

Chuuya exclaimed noticing Shirase judging dazai and just walked off and rolled his eyes.


Dazai was immediately stopped before he could even finish his sentence.

"Don't..mention it."

Chuuya started blankly at the floor continuing to walk forward beside the executive mafia member regretting his decisions. Soon after walking, there was something shining in the distance. Noticing this, Dazai skipping towards the pellucid, beautiful, soft sunset while ran behind him.

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