Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

I rested my head on his shoulder. I was happy to be here just with him; it was odd I know to someone who has been in my life only for a couple of weeks that I was allowing his so close to me. He held my hand and squeezed it.  I loved the silence that I found comfortable with him. I did not usually like the quiet it would allow me to think but with him I could let the calm wash over me. I wondered if this is what my father described when you meet someone that you were meant to be with. It was like a chord had been put between us and it was pulling us together no matter what was going on between us.

He pulled me away from the silence too soon for my liking. He turned my head towards him, lifting my chin up. ‘Don’t you have duties that you should be doing?’

‘I am sure I am not being missed by anyone’ I replied.

‘I bet you are’ he smiled to me, ‘Now go back to your duties and I will see you later’

I smiled, ‘I hope so my lord’

I walked to my duties and was greeted by Lady Anne, ‘Becca, I was wondering where you were’

‘I am sorry my lady, I was checking to make sure all the preparations for the feast is prepared for tonight, for you and the King’

‘That is always why you are such a valuable part of my household you are always making sure things are running smoothly, don’t think I haven’t noticed’ she smiled.

Lady Anne, I was in her debt of course she could have thrown me out of the household as soon as it was made clear that Queen Katherine was no longer part of the Kings plans. But she kept me on and I was part of the household although I did not whole heartedly agree with what was happening in the court but I was grateful to still be gaining an income even with the changing times. I did not have to like her I just needed to make it look as if I did.

Shane’s POV:

As I watched her leave I felt my heart go with her. I had a feeling it would not return until she was back with me by my side. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen; her eyes drew me to her. I wanted this woman but I knew I would not take her unless she wanted to me. I wanted to wake up with her by my side, the soft feel of her skin pressed to mine. Her to whisper the words that she loved me; it was making my body ache how much I wanted it all with her. This woman had captured my interest not only physically thought but emotionally. I could not bear to see her upset. I wanted to stop her hurting. I wanted her to be with me. I wanted maybe one day to make her my wife. Yes I was thinking that far ahead. This woman was my other half and I would do anything for her if only she asked me to.

I had to stop thinking about her for a few hours I would see her at the feast tonight. I had business with the King I needed to attend to.

‘Sir Shane’ The King smiled as I entered his private lodgings.

‘Sire’ I nodded.

‘You are feeling better’

‘Much’ I bowed.

‘I have matters I wish to discuss with you’ The King signalled me to sit.

I sat and waited for him to speak again. I knew what an honour it was that he had asked me to speak business with him, especially as I was a stranger at court.

‘I, Shane have a feeling that I am being watched and played by people in this court’

‘How do you mean?’ I asked.

‘It is as if, I don’t know I can’t explain it. I am being used as someone to get something that other people want.  Not as a beloved King’

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