Chapter 3: Through The Dwarven Kingdom

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Rimuru POV

After waking up, I discovered that all the goblins had evolved into hobgoblins, just like Rigurd and Rigur. Some had increased strength and size such, while some had their magicule output increased. The female goblins had evolved into goblinas instead of hobgoblins(I have no idea why).

Afterward, I had all the direwolves, hobgoblins, and goblinas gathered in a single area. After they were all gathered, I decided to implant 3 rules in the village which were as follows:-

1). Don't attack human beings unless absolutely necessary.

2). Do not fight among your friends. 

3). Do not look down upon other species.

I could've gone with more if I kept thinking about it, but I couldn't expect them to follow too many from the start. Instead, I just stuck to the basics. 

Anyway, after establishing the rules, I had made Rigurd the Goblin Lord and Raken the Wolf Lord so that I didn't have to govern the village 24/7.

//Quite lazy, might I add.\\ Whatever. I'm sure that you were like that as well while you were alive(honestly, not sure).

Anyway, I then saw the construction and as a general contractor, it hurt me to see it. It was seriously bad as hell. Rigurd then told me that they used to trade with dwarfs, the infamous smithing race. This made me have an idea, that was to recruit some dwarf artisans to help us with clothing and houses.

So I embarked on a journey to the Dwarven Kingdom with Ranga and a few hobgoblins which include Rigur and Gobta. Raken and Rigurd were tasked to keep the village safe while I was gone. During the journey, I learned that Rigur's brother was named by a majin named Gelmud, who even had a demon horde. I later also learned that the name of the kingdom was  The Armed Nation of Dwargon as well as Gobta's experience of going to Dwargon for supplies. 

Another thing that interested me about the kingdom was that it was founded 1000 years ago and is still being run by a dwarf named Gazel Dwargo. The items that the dwarfs create are also very top-notch, perfect for our needs.

When we reached the entrance, we had to be a part of a huge line. While waiting, a group of humans suddenly arrived and tried to beat us up but I was able to scare them off by glaring at them with great intensity and using [Coercion]. This caused chaos in the line and the guards then captured me and Gobta, as Rigurd and the rest did not come with us because I didn't want to attract any attention.

//Sadly, that backfired.\\ Indeed. And here we are, currently locked up and waiting for our judgment. I had just told them a fake backstory about myself so let's see what happens next.

Guard: "All right! That's it for the report. Thank you for your cooperation! But we're going to need to—" Before the guard could finish, the large door behind him opened. Another soldier rushed in.

Guard2: "S-sir! An armorsaurus just showed up in the mines! It's already injured several miners at their posts!"

Guard: "What?! Well, did you defeat it?"

Gaurd2: "We're good there! A suppression force is on its way. But some of the miners are fairly roughed up. I don't know if there's a war underway or something, but the city shops are out of medicine, and the castle won't let us access their stockpile..."

Guard: "What about our healers?"

Guard2: "That's the thing, sir... The injured were deep inside, mining magic ore. The healers at the guardhouse are all out handling other calls, so all we have left is a single novice!"

Guard: "Ah, damn it all!"

Rimuru: 'Sounds rough. Not that I care. Just take some from the castle, if it's that important!' I thought, but...

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