The only parts there will ever bee 🐝 (2)

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You see, the world we live in embraces equality. We should praise the idea of communism, yet we do not. The social hierarchies continue to exist. Government, family, school systems, among others. I would like to focus on family. We respect a person the older they are. It is very likely because of their intelligence, wisdom, and knowledge they possess. Yet, the new generations should have more attention and respect than their older counterparts. Why is that? They are malleable. Molten metal, if you will. They are determined by the information they receive from their environment, "cast", or, assuming they can be completely oblivious to the information, who they want to be themselves, "flow". As they age, the metal cools down and sets. This determines their lives, and many stop re-melting their attitudes towards the world at the age of 18-20. The others, however, insist on trying a different "shape". Those are the ones we class as "successful", and "role models". In fact, all of us are able to become one of them. The question only remains in when.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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