Always knew I was a witch

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Bonnie's pov

"I'm confused, are you psychic or clairvoyant" Caroline said/asked as we made our way down the hallway

"Technically, Grams says I'm a witch, my ancestors were these really cool salem witch chicks or something. Grams tried to explain it all but she was kinda tipsy on liquor"

"Well do you believe her" Caroline asked

"Yeah" I said

"Well you're a witch Bonnie Bennett" Caroline said smiling

"Yeah" I said with a chuckle

"I met this guy late night, the one who took me home, he's definitely hot" Caroline said

"Did you get his name" I said

"No, I was drunk but I made it home safely also I love your hair". Caroline said

"Thanks Care" I said


"So remember how I told you two, my grams told me I'm psychic and witch" I said

"Yeah..wait do you have a spell book like the charmed ones" Caroline asked looking at me

"Yeah, it's called a grimoire" I said looking at Caroline

"Cool, you have to do spell for us to really prove your witch tho" Caroline said

"I know Care bear" I said

"So what about you and Stefan" Caroline asked turning her attention to Elena

"We talked all night that's it"

"Boring but y'all are still getting to know each other so" Caroline said

"Yeah, we are but I'm going go see him" Elena said as she got up, walking away


"He didn't call huh?" I asked as Elena and I pasted out flyers for tonight's comet

"Not once or text then I realized we never even exchanged that stuff. We've never gotten to the texting part" Elena said while pasting out more flyers

"Girl, that any important milestone in any relationship" I said looking at Elena

"Isn't it?? The timing was wrong, anyway" Elena said

"When will it be the right time" I asked

"I'm not ready, Bonnie" Elena said

"Lena, nobody is when it comes to dating but you have to put yourself out there" I said

"I did" Elena said getting kinda defensive

"Oh really, that's what you're calling it". I asked

"What do you mean" Elena asked looking down

"Girl, all I keep hearing from you, is reasons why you can't, you should go for it" I said (Even though, you picked Damon later on)

"Hey, I got some candles" Caroline said walking over Elena and I

"Hey, thanks" I said grabbing the candle from Caroline


Umm..have you guys seen Elena" Stefan said walking over to Caroline and I

"I think she went home but I'm gonna give you her phone number and email, she's big on texting, you can tell her I said so ". I said writing down Elena's phone number and email on a napkin then hands it to Stefan (Finally, the realization that vampires exist)

"You okay" Stefan asked

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said then Stefan walked away

"What did you see" Caroline asked looking at me

"Do you believe in vampires". I asked in whisper

"How can I not, you're a witch...wait are you saying Stefan is vampire". Caroline said/asked

"Yes, if witches exists, vampires should too" I said

"What's the plan..we need to keep Elena away from if Stefan is really a vampire"

"Let's go". I said standing up grabbing my purse and walked out to my car. Caroline followed behind me and we got in my car and I drove home. I arrived, parking the car and we both got out and I locked the car. I unlocked the front door to see my grams sitting on the couch.

"Hey Ms. Sheila" Caroline said to grams as she made her way to the couch

"Hey Caroline" Grams said

"Hey Grams" I said closing the door behind me then made my way to the couch, sitting next to Caroline

"Do vampires exist, Ms. Sheila". Caroline asked like it was just a normal question

"Yes, they do and you two need to say away from Stefan and Damon Salvatore, they're vampires". Grams said

"How do they even exist" I asked

"A witch made vampires species over 1,000 years ago, vampires feed and compel humans but their weakness is a plant called vervain. Witches cannot be compelled. So I made a necklace for you, Caroline with verian in" Grams said hanging Caroline a necklace

"Thank you" Caroline said before putting the necklace on

"How do you keep Elena away from Stefan and this Damon guy" I asked

"Honestly, don't it's clear Elena is interested in Stefan, so let her find out on her own, she already knows your a witch" Grams said

"Yeah but I haven't done any magic to really prove it her or Caroline" I said looking at Grams

"Well let the candles" Grams said looking at the candle on the table

"Incendia" I said and just like that, the candles are lit

"Omg, I'm really best friends with a witch..yayy" Caroline said clapping feeling excited

"I have something else to tell you Caroline" I said looking at Caroline

"What is it" Caroline asked looking at me

"I've known I was a witch since I was 5 years old, I just haven't been able to tell you or Elena" I said looking down

"'s okay, I understand why you didn't" Caroline said grabbing my hand gently

"Thanks care" I said looking up at Caroline

"You're welcome" Caroline said with a smile

"Girls, it's late and y'all two have school in the morning". Grams said

"Good night" Caroline and I said standing up and going upstairs to my room and get ready for bed. After getting ready, Caroline and I get in bed

"So do you think Stefan's brother Damon attacked Vicky? Caroline asked

"Yeah and he might be the guy Elena saw in the cemetery on the first day of school". I said

"This year is gonna full of drama" Caroline said

"Yeah but we have each to get through it" I said grabbing Caroline's hand and we both fall asleep

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