Time Keeper Vector Prime

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(Transformers Cybertron and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina are not mine.
-comm speech-

Optimus approached the group of young humans and Landmine, "Landmine, thank Primus you are alright."

Landmine laughed heartily, "You can thank my young friends here. They literally saved my life."

Optimus kneeled down, "Hello little ones. We are in your debt. Thank you for saving my friend."

Coby beamed, "No problem. I am Coby."

Bud grinned, "Landmine is really cool. Hi, I am Bud."

Lori looked around, "And my name is Lori. Who are you all?"

Optimus smiled at them, "My name is Optimus Prime. I am the leader of the Autobots. This is my team. You have already met Landmine, of course."

Landmine, "Once again, thank you for healing me."

Hotshot transformed, "The name is Hotshot and I am the fastest scout you will meet."

Coby smirked, "Is that so, hot stuff?"

Hotshot grinned back, "Totally so."

Scattershot nudged the yellow bot, "Yeah, yeah, enough humble bragging. Hello there. The name is Scattershot. I am the Sniper of this group."

Bud stared at him with starry eyes, "Cool! Nice to meet you."

Red Alert turned to them after checking on Landmine, "Hello, my name is Red Alert. I am the security officer of this group and emergency field medic. I must say children, I am very impressed. You did a good job taking care of Landmine."

Lori nudged Coby, "Hear that?"

Bud grinned, "You could totally become their Doctor, bro."

Coby laughed, "I am just happy I could heal him. I was worried I would not be able to help him."

Jetfire landed and transformed, "The name is Jetfire, kiddos. It is nice to meet you and are you sure about this Optimus?"

Overhaul pulled up next to the flyer, "Aye! Calm down, Jetfire. I am sure things will work out."

Vector Prime appeared then and stared at them, "You three children... "

Coby smiled, "Hello there."

Vector Prime kneeled down, "Apologies, my name is Vector Prime. It's just the three of you are gifted, aren't you?"

Bud blinked at that surprised, "Gifted? I guess that's one way to say it."

Optimus, "Gifted? What do you mean Vector Prime?"

Coby looked at Bud and Lori, "I think I might have an idea."

Lori looked a little nervous, "You want to tell them?"

Coby nodded, "Yes, I mean, they don't look like bad people."

Bud was excited, "Really Coby? Really?"

Coby, "Eh! Why not?"

Vector Prime, "You can trust us."

Coby cleared his throat, "Right then. First thing, the three of us are what humans call Witches and Warlocks."

Lori piped in, "Wiccans for short."

Scattershot, "Wait! Wait! Wait! You are Witches and Warlocks like you can use magic Witches and Warlocks?"

Bud, "Yup!"

Hotshot kneeled down, "That is really cool. Does this mean you can create this magic well that can grant wishes?"

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