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I barely breathe, but fortunately didn't do so much efforts to trigger another strong crisis. I wipe off the blood on my mouth, and take a look at Mizu.

Me : Take my ribbon and do a garrot, I'll be back in a minute...

I open the building's door, and gently close it back. Mr Jones is hidden under a table. I put raise gun I stole against him, which may already be unloaded but he doesn't know it anyway. He shouts for help, unfortunately no one can hear him anymore but Mizu and I.

Mr Jones : PLEASE, PLEASE, DON'T !!! He yelled at me.

Me : You will give us the informations we need, and heal my friend.


Me : I won't.

He stands up shaking.

Me : Go out, NOW.

Mr Jones opens the door still looking at me with terror, and approaches Mizu. I'm behind him, the gun still pointing at his head. The gunmaker helps him getting up and took inside. I put down my firearm.

Me : Are you okay, Mizu ??? Mr Jones will take care of you until your injures heal. I take a deep look at Mr Jones. Will you ?

Me Jones : Ye.. yes ! Yes I will !!!

Mizu smiles, an eyebrow raised.

Mizu : Hm...

          It's been two hours since we entered the house. Mr Jones took back the bullets in Mizu's arm and leg, sewed the wounds and disinfected them with cold water and products I don't know. He will heal pretty soon.

Me : Thank you, Mr Jones. I say with gratitude. Mizu, can you walk ?

Mizu : I can't for the moment... we will have to stay here at least for the night.

Mr Jones : It- it's okay !! Stay here as long as you want ! I have a chamber at the first floor.

Mizu : We need to eat first. Mizu answered.

Mr jones gave us food he prepared, which we will eat upstairs.

          Arrived at the first floor, a single bed with a blanket is set in the room, with a little table, two chairs and gaz lights. We sit down face to face, and eat.

Mizu : Thank you, Ophelia. Without you I'll be dead.

Me : It's okay. I may not be able to run for a long time, but I learned to control my breath when I fight. I responded. How is your arm ?

Mizu : It will be healed by tomorrow. He paused. Where did you learned to fight like that ? It was pretty smart and your moves seemed calculated.

Me : I've learned it by myself, by watching at people who use to fight in the street for money. As I'm physically weak, I have to count on strategy and beat my enemies in a short time. The fact that those men didn't know I was here helped me a lot, I wouldn't have done all of this without you. By the way, thank you for the knife.

Mizu : Keep it for yourself, I have a thousand knives like that at my home. By the way, European fight technics definitely aren't like Japanese ones...

I sneer.

Me : They aren't that good. All their moves are the same, guns only shot one single bullet at time, and in one only direction. There is nothing to learn about it.

          Time passes, I help Mizu putting water on his injures every ten minutes to help him heal. This guy intrigues me a lot... I've never thought about asking him why he does all of this for.

Me : Stay on the bed, you need some sleep. I'll lay on the floor.

Mizu : Thank you.

He turns back at me.

Mizu : Good night.

Me : Wait, Mizu...

He turns back to look at me, questioned.

Me : Why do you do all of this for ?

He sights and turns back at me again.

Mizu : 20 years ago my mother had been raped by 4 European men, the ones I'm looking for. I was born mixed, with blue eyes, which is not well considered in japan. I've been bullied during all my life. But when I was a child I vowed that one day, my four ennemies will die by my hand. My hole life has only been about revenge. I've been raised by the greatest Japanese swords maker know, he was blind, the only one who could stand the shame of my face. In Japan, they all fear me. And they will soon here too.

Me : Is this the reason why you try to hide your eyes ?

Mizu : It is.

Very moving. I sand up and sit next to him. He turns and stares at me.

Me : How could a man ever bully someone for their appearance...

He stays silent.

Me : Your eyes are the prettiest I've ever seen, Mizu. And so is your soul.

As I stare back at him, I can feel all his sadness. His mouth seems so soft... but his bang hides the beauty of his eyes.

Me : Let's cut your bang. I say with enthousiasme.

Mizu : What ? He stands straight.

Mizu pulled a questioned face. I take a pair of scissors.

Me : Come on.

Mizu : No... what ?? He said backing up.

Me : You can't escape me, Mizu ! I shout holding up the scissors.

He laughs and tries to defend himself. I think it's the first time I ever heard him laugh.

Mizu : Stop it !

I chortle.

Me : Don't move. I gently say.

I put a hand on Mizu's cheek while the other one is holding the scissors. I cut a strand of his bang, then another, and finally his haircut is done.

Me : It's better like that.

He moves his head so as to remove the little hair on his face.

Mizu : Let me see... He said trying to get up to the mural mirror in front of the bed.

Me : Let me help you...

He looked at himself.

Mizu : Great ! He turns back. How do I look ? He asked me with a big smile.

Me : Handsome. I answered quietly.

We look at each other again for at least a minute without saying any word.

Blue Eye Samurai - Mizu x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang