Ch 18 beautiful people often deceive !

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Hiya was already quite anxious about this marriage, and she had absolutely no courage to ask her new husband where he was going alone and when will return. She just walked bluntly inside when due to her long veil she stumbled over something. She couldn't see anything and it was getting hard for her to make up her steps. Just then, a maid quickly arrived, grabbed her hand, and led her to her room making Hiya sigh softly.

As she walked with the maid, Hiya suddenly felt like a piece of trash who had no value or importance at all. She whispered to herself, "In front of these rich people, people like us truly have no value.

But ain't you lost the value because of your own brother, he sold you here for money and in exchange of that what could you even expect?", her subconscious asks and she seals her lips feeling tears welled up in her eyes again.

The word sold hits her after a few seconds as she walks on the staircase going upstairs. And she recalls Ahil's behaviour which already seemed so arrogant to her, and who knows what more she had to endure.

"Where have you got me God? What would he do with me... now that I'm his 'brought wife' like any materialistic thing?"

Reaching the room Hiya sat on the bed and an exasperated sigh escaped her lips. She was tired due to this heavy dress and makeup and drama. The maid, noticing her worn out state, passes her a glass of water. She was about to uncover her veil to breathe in relief and gulp the water when Shalini's word flashed in her mind, "Today, only Ahil will see your face."

Remembering those words, she shook her head and gulped down an entire glass of water from under the veil making the maid feel pity for her. With a sympathetic face, the maid asked her, "Madam, should I arrange dinner for you or will you have it with Sir?"

"N... No, I don't want to eat anything now. You can go." As she said this, the maid closed the door behind her and left.

Once the maid was gone, Hiya removed her large veil and then looked around the room. The room was indeed beautiful.
The bedroom was painted in white and gold, with most things in the room being white. White bed sheets, white curtains, a white sofa, and even the cushions were all in white. And as she makes herself comfortable she notices rose petals scattered over the sheet making her heart skip a beat. They were adding a fresh touch to the room but internally she was shaking thinking about her wedding night with her so-called stranger husband or should she say 'owner'.

She then gulped her thoughts and tried to divert her mind as she delicately touched the bedsheet and whispered to herself, "Seems like Ahil likes everything in white?"

Hiya admired the bedroom, but she wasn't accustomed to such luxuries, nor did she desire them. She was bored sitting there as minutes passed in hours and when she from sitting there lonely, felt drowsy and fell asleep, she didn't realise until the soft snoring was echoing in the silent room.


The cool night air whispered through the streets of Delhi as Ahil, seated in his luxurious Mercedes Benz, instructed the driver to head home from the bar in the silence of the midnight hour. The roads were deserted, the shops closed, and an eerie calm prevailed. As the car glided through the quiet city, Ahil found himself lost in subconscious sleep, almost oblivious to the world outside.

Upon reaching the gate of his new residence, Ahil peaked out from the window, wiping his face as the car comes to an halt. "Already home. Remarkable!" he exclaimed, a sense of surprise crossing his face. He then swiftly got out of the car, casting a quick glance at his surroundings. The hushed stillness of the night seemed to envelop the new house, creating an air of mystery and anticipation.

As he entered the house, a peculiar feeling of unfamiliarity washed over him. "This house doesn't feel like the usual one. Did he dropped me on a wrong address? No... it's not possible," Ahil thought, a tinge of confusion clouding his mind. It was then that he remembered - this was now his new home, shared with his newly-wedded wife.

"Oh... Yes, I'm a married man now. And today is my first wedding night," he remarked with a smirk, a blend of amusement and realisation in his voice.

Entering his room with a self-assured smirk, his demeanour shifted as he found his wife peacefully asleep on the bed. The room was shrouded in darkness, with only the dim moonlight filtering through the curtains. Ahil's initial smirk transformed into a contemplative frown as he stood there, awake in the quietude of the night.

It must have been around 3 by now that Ahil has returned home and for a normal being it's common to sleep. But as he returned back under the influence of alcohol because this girl's actions somehow reminded him of Aakriti. Hence, after a gap of two years, he had taken a drink today.

But the only difference that lies between the two woman in his life from back then till now is that Aakriti was his girlfriend while Hiya is his wife. He stumbled into his room over something in the dark and he staggering reaches closer to the bed.His gaze trying to study Hiya's face which was elegantly enchanting but today it made no difference to him as he was mad at her.

Seeing her peacefully asleep irks him, and Ahil burning with anger sat down with the supports of his feet, staring at her beautiful face mutters, "Beautiful people often deceive. If you had married me without any deal, Ahil would have surely treated you like a queen... A queen. But... but you are not worthy of that."

Author's note

Hello readers so now story has begin... I know it started late but also this can be a surprise 😅 well I am seeing that views are increasing but the rating and comments are 0 so from today I have set the target where you readers have to help me to achieve until I get 10 review and ratings you will not get new chapter if you want it earlier then do that. I will upload the next chapter after getting 10 reviews on this chapter

Stay tuned Hayatians ❤️

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