Chapter 2

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Everyone turned around to the voice, looking up and seeing a troll sliding down and landing on the ground swiftly.

"Sorry, is this a bad timing?" The troll said, cleaning his clothes and looking up, moving his googles.

I heard Branch gasp, while i stayed silent, my eyes got wider and a knot formed on my throat.

John dory

why was he here?

Shouldn't i be happy to be seeing him again?

No, not after he left Branch like that.

"Im just trying to find a troll named-" John dory gasped, shouting when he saw Branch. "Baby branch!" he ran closer, getting up to the bench.

"Uh, you’re making a mistake, strangerthatlookssimilartome." Branch said, giving a dead stare to him, poppy gave a step back, confused by this share of words. "There’s no Branch here." he added.

"Look at you, you got so big." John dory smiled. Oh, the nerve. "You’re not a branch anymore. You’re more like a trunk. Junk in the trunk." and then he proceeded to slap branch in the butt.

"Ow!" Branch stepped away from him while the rest gasped in suprise, poppy covered her mouth, probably to avoid laughing at this.

Things got weirder with the seconds passing by, John tried to pick up Branch but got stopped by poppy.

"Hey. Stop right there. You put my boyfriend down." she stepped closer to them and John dropped Branch, he quickly walked out of the scene. "Tell us who you are and what you want."

i crossed my arms, i wanted to step in but i holded myself back, just giving a serious glare to John dory but he didn't notice.

Branch looked at me, a sad look on his face, i gave him a soft smile.

"Ah, you're right, totally rude of me. I didn't introduce myself" John dory grunted before stretching his hand out. "Im Branch's brother."

everyone gasped.

"What?!" poppy said before Branch stepped in. "Correction, Used to be my brother, not anymore." he crossed his arms.

they talked about more things, my mind stopped processing things and i just zoned out until poppy called me and king peppy.

"Dad, Y/N, did you two know about this?"

Peppy chuckled nervously looking everywhere yet his daughter. "Huh? What would I know about secret family members?"

I just looked to the side, nodding in silence, still looking troubled.

Poppy just looked away, following her conversation with John dory.

he was staring at me, i could feel it, but he quickly got distracted with poppy's energy.

they kept talking and talking, a low chuckle escape from me when poppy called him old.

When poppy took Branch away to talk privately, John dory turned to look at me. only receiving a dead stare back, he shuffled on his place, now knowing that i was angry at him too.

"I bet you he’s only here because he needs something." Branch said to poppy.

"Branch im gonna be straight with you, i need something." John dory said, only proovings Branchs point.

"And there it is." he said before being stopped by John dory.

"Hold up, branch, it's about floyd." he gained our attention in just a moment.

he proceeded to tell us about Velvet and Veener, that they took Floyd to steal his talent and become superstars.

and... that they needed the main thing that made them split, the perfect family harmony...

i couldn't help but scoff lightly at that.

"Oh, yeah." Branch said, following with a cold tone. "So we can attempt to sing something we’ve only tried once and failed so miserably at that we broke up and never talked to each other again."

"We are so in!" poppy shouted, gaining a confused look from Branch before he pulled her out for a seconds.

they finally came to an agreement, then, John dory's armadillo bus... thing destroyed the ground and... sigh it's hard to keep up with the events.

"hey Y/N, do you want to come with us?" Branch asked.

i stayed silent, shaking my head. "No sorry, i have to take care of some things, i wish you all luck." i said, smiling at him softly.

he frowned a bit, but quickly understood, nodding his head and saying his goodbyes, stepping into Rhonda alongside with poppy.

John and i shared one last look before i turned away, returning my attention to Bridget and gristle.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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