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20 Years ago.

On the troll tree, i made my way to a special place where me and John dory would hangout together everytime

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On the troll tree, i made my way to a special place where me and John dory would hangout together everytime.

We had 3 hours to chill together before he went to his concert with his brothers, which i was pretty excited to see.

When i reached our special place, i saw him there and my hear jumped out of my chest.

I had a big crush on him, he was very good at singing and a interesting troll to me.

"Hey John!" He looked over his shoulder when i called him, smiling when he saw me there, he quickly walked closer to me and gave me a hug.

"Im so excited for our concert of tonight!" he says. "you're going to be there, right?"

i nod excitedly, "Yes! i would never lose something like this!" i jumped on my place, he just looked at me with a soft smile

we started talking about many things, about the concert, about his grandma, about his brothers, and he mentioned something about reaching the perfect family harmony

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we started talking about many things, about the concert, about his grandma, about his brothers, and he mentioned something about reaching the perfect family harmony.

"im pretty sure you guys will do great!" i said.

the hours passed flying and in a matter of no time, we were heading to the place were the concert was being held at.

We had to separate because i couldn't go to the backstage, so we had our goodbyes, i wished him luck and he gave one last hug.

he started walking away, but i stopped him.

"Wait! John..."

he turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, what is it?"

i freezed for one second, i wanted to tell him, tell him that i loved him. but i got so scared and i just... didn't.

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