Chapter 1- Who the hell are you?

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A/N- This is my new story! Hi, when you're reading this it's probably much later, but I'm starting this on February 5th 2024. This character shouldn't be unbearable, I actually like her a lot because she gets on bakugo's nerves at first instead of it being that goofy love at first sight crap. There will be a bit/a lot of a OOC Bakugo, so bear with me towards the end when my soft bakugo simp kicks in


Katsuki flunked math, "god damn it"  he thinks. "I hate doing extra work when I could be training". Although, he doesn't know what he's doing yet. Maybe he would rather do this. Katsuki's alarm rang around 9:30AM, since his teacher had to take him somewhere. So, he dragged himself out of bed, and threw on a hoodie and sweats, probably because he didn't really feel like trying. 

Kirishima, or "Shitty hair" as Bakugo called him, was already up. He was eating cereal and attempting to play Mario Kart with Kaminari. Bakugo ignored them, and took his anxiety medicine before grabbing a granola bar for on the way. 

"Bakugo! You wanna play?" Kaminari exclaimed, Bakugo groaned. He was really hoping to not be noticed by those so called idiots. 

"Can't" he mumbled back, shoving the granola bar in his mouth. 

"But whyyyyy?" Kaminari whined, Bakugo had to hold back from smacking the poor guy. 

"Busy, now leave me alone" Bakugo walked out the door, Aizawa was waiting for him, and seemed to know he wasn't in a talking mood, so he just nodded to his student. The agitated blonde still had no idea where they were going, and it was really pissing him off. 

Bakugo watched out the window, attempting to figure out where they were going based on sights. Nothing. No clue. "Where the hell is my teacher taking me?" He sighs. "Hell I'm not even sure I actually flunked math! I mean I have a's in all other classes, but apparently one day when I wasn't in class there was an assignment worth half our semester grade." Bakugo was very petty about this. Honestly, he just wanted to get this over with.

Finally, they got somewhere, downtown Musutafu. Lots of huge buildings, and probably gang hideouts. However, the best hospital in southeastern Japan is located here. Bakugo is assuming that's where Aizawa is taking him. However, he has no clue why the hell they're going to a hospital. "What the fuck does he want me to do? Help an innocent old man?" Bakugo grunts, staring towards the upcoming building in anger. "Like hell. I'd rather lose to deku than do something as pathetic as that."

Bakugo hopped on his phone, checking Instagram and other stuff. Ashido had posted something about a sleepover she had, Kirishima posted a Q&A or something, yada yada yada, whatever. 

Something did catch his eye while he was scrolling through the news. An article published almost 4 hours ago, titled "Buildings surrounding a small doctor's office destroyed along with office itself, villainous activity suspected" Bakugo clicked it, and began to read. 

"On August 29th, a small community doctor's office was destroyed, along with buildings surrounding it. Villainous activity is suspected, so the area is off limits for now. Authorities are searching for answers, but have found nothing. The doctor's office in question, known as the Crewjet-Popnoa foundation, was demolished. All employees are currently missing, and there are no leads as to where they could've gone."

That entire story seems really suspicious. Whatever happened there was last week, so this was recent. Crewjet-Popnoa? What the hell is that name? This is annoying to Bakugo, but it doesn't concern him, so he doesn't decide to pry. 

Sure enough, they pulled into the hospital. "Damn it, I don't wanna be an aid to an old fucking man."  Bakugo clearly doesn't like this. "My life sucks." He frowns.

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