Once they walk in, Yuki still holding the girl's arm, (Y/N) receives a bunch of glares from the 'Prince Yuki Fanclub.'

"Eh? W-Why do those people look mad?" (Y/N) says nervously, pointing to the girls that are glaring.

"Ignore them, just a bunch of jerks," Kyo says as he walks to his seat.

"Don't worry (Y/N)! I will protect you!" Tohru says dramatically.

"Tohru? Who is this chick?" A girl with blond hair says as a girl with black hair walks up to Tohru as well.

"Hm? Oh this is (Y/N) Sohma!" Tohru says looking at the two.

"I-I'm a chick? I don't think I'm a bird..." (Y/N) mumbles to herself, and the blondie laughs.

"Leave her alone delinquent. She is like a more oblivious and air-headed version of Tohru." Kyo says from his seat.

"Oh really?" The girl says with a smirk. "Well, I'm Uotani, nice to meet you."

"Her waves...They're calming..." The black-haired girl says.

"That's Hanajima, she may seem kinda weird when you first meet her, but she is pretty cool once you get to know her," Uotani says.

"I'm (Y/N) Sohma! Nice to meet you!" She says softly.

"Mhm, we're friends now," Uotani says, putting her arm around (Y/N), and her eyes light up as she looks at the three she lives with.

"Tohru! I made my first friends!" The girl says excitedly before the teacher comes in.

As everyone goes and sits down, (Y/N) stands in the back not knowing where to sit, before the teacher constructs her to go to the front of the class.

"We have a new student, treat her well. Go ahead, introduce yourself."

"Oh! I'm (Y/N) Sohma!" The girl says and gets even more glares than before.

"Are you married to Yuki!?"

"Or to Kyo!?"

"E-Eh!?" (Y/N)'s face becomes red and she shakes her head rapidly. "T-They're my cousins! That's all! I'm too young to be married anyway!"

(Y/N) eventually goes to her new seat, which is next to Uotani.

Once the class begins, (Y/N) realizes that everything that is being taught is things she learned a while ago. Although, it makes it easier for her since she can easily ace her class.


"(Y/N) over here!" Tohru says, calling (Y/N) over so they can eat lunch.

"How are you enjoying your first day so far?" Yuki asks.

"It's so fun! I love school!" (Y/N) says with an excited face.

"So, (Y/N), what school did you go to before this?" Uotani asks.

"Oh, this is my first time being in school."

"Interesting. Your waves feel...hurt." Hanajima says and (Y/N) looks confused.

"I don't understand this wave thingy..."

"No way you're changing the subject! How were your notes so good if you've never been to school?" Uotani asks and (Y/N) chuckles.

"I taught myself! But I think I taught myself too far..." (Y/N) says softly.

"What do you mean?" Hanajima asks.

"Well I studied with whatever books I could find, but the stuff we are learning right now is stuff I learned a while ago...It's too easy." (Y/N) says with a sigh, taking a bite of her food.

"I don't find this stuff easy at all..." Hanajima says with a sigh.

"If you find it so easy, shouldn't you be moved to advanced classes?" Uotani asks.

"Er...Um...She can't! Because..." Tohru tried to think of an excuse.

"Because we want her to stay with us. We would miss her being in class." Yuki says and Hanajima glares.

"Your waves are uneasy." She says and (Y/N) chuckles.

"Well, it's okay! That means I can get easy A's!" She says softly. "And I like sitting next to Uo-Chan!"

"You're so adorable! I just want to hug you forever!" Tohru says hugging (Y/N).

"I have never seen Tohru love someone so much," Uotani says.

"I don't blame her, (Y/N) is quite adorable," Hanajima says.

"Alright, I can't take it anymore!" Uotani says and hugs (Y/N) tightly as well.

"(Y/N) is gonna suffocate you idiots. Tohru does this at home too." Kyo says with an eye roll.

(Y/N) giggles softly. "It's okay! I'm not suffocating! I love hugs!"

"She is quite adorable..." Hanajima says before Uotani grabs Tohru and (Y/N) pulls them into a hug.

"You two are like the same person!" Uotani says with a chuckle.

"They do act similar," Yuki says softly.

"Can you guys just eat already!?"


"Oh, you guys are back! How was your first day?" Shigure asks (Y/N).

"It was amazing! There were sooooo many people! And I made new friends too! My teacher was also really nice, but I don't think she liked it when I mentioned your name..." (Y/N) says causing Shigure to chuckle. "I love school!"

"Who were your new friends?"

"It was just the delinquent and wave girl, that's it," Kyo says, answering for the girl.

"Well, that's good. I'm off for now, I have an errand to run, see you, kids!" Shigure says walking out of the house.

"Tohru I can help cook dinner!" (Y/N) says running into the kitchen.

"Alright! Let's make the best food ever!" Tohru says running with her.

"You two need to pipe it down sometimes...!" Kyo says with a groan.

"Shut it, stupid cat."


"Akito..." Shigure says, going to sit next to Akito.

"What?" Akito says sharply, clearly in a bad mood. "(Y/N)...She's with you isn't she...?"

"Ah! You are so smart!" Shigure says with a grin.

"Give her back."

"Akito, (Y/N) is happy...Let her enjoy life for once."

"She was happy with me!" He says with a rage in his eyes.

"I'm not sure about that. She was hurt, you're lucky she didn't go mute." Shigure says and Akito grabs his collar.

"She doesn't need anyone but me! She belongs to me! Other people will make her think she is allowed to be in control! She isn't! She can't!" Akito screams throwing things around the room.

"Now, now...You don't seem to understand..." Shigure starts, "If she stayed with you, she would have been as good as dead."

"I want her back, now!"

"Please Akito, just let her be. At least just for now."

"She won't survive without me...She won't..."

"She will."

"If I see her again, I'm taking her...I won't give her back!" He says.

"She is happy, don't you want that for someone you care about? She is with Yuki and Kyo, as well as Tohru, they all get along fine. She is making friends fine too. She is really happy."

"I don't care if she is happy...I'm not. She is supposed to mine...Without me she is nothing." Akito says clenching his fist.

"I'm going to bring her back no matter what..."


Updates may be slow for this book and my other book, but I promise I am trying. Don't forget to vote!

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