𝟮𝟯. 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 {𝗗𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗲}

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Elle stood in the hospital and looked to see grace "hey are you okay"

"Callie is pregnant" Grace said as Elle looked to her

"Please don't tell me

"No it's not marks. I actually thought I'd have to kill him. How are things with you and Jackson have you managed to make it work yet" grace asked as Elle looked to her and sighed

"I don't want to talk over it" Elle said as Grace looked to her and smiled

"I get it but I'm your sister. I know that you and Jackson are going through a hard time and I want you to know I am here for you. You were there for me" Grace said as Elle looked to her and smiled


Jackson and Cristina are following Teddy.

"I booked the O.R. " cristina said

"I read up on the procedure. I know this thing better than my own name at this point. " jackson said

" I pre-rounded on the patient, and her pre-op labs are all done, and... " cristina said

"Wow. Quadruple bypasses are exciting, right? First assist gets to sew all the grafts on to the heart. Plum job. " teddy said

" I want it! "

"It would be an honor. " jackson said

"I know you're thinking, whoever does this gets a leg up in the race for chief resident. But do you want to know a good way not to get it? That's to bug the crap out of me before my day even starts. " teddy said

"I'm sorry. "

"I'll back off. You know what? Actually, I'll go to the skills lab and practice my grafts. And you just let me know if you need anything at all... " Jackson said as Cristina snatches the patient's chart and runs off.

"Yang took the chart. " teddy said as Jackson made eye contact with Elle as they held a look

"She took the chart? What... " Jackson runs after her. Elle walked off as grace frowned. She hated to see her sister struggle

Grace walked over to mark and smiled

"Hey, you got dinner plans tonight? " Grace asked

"No. " mark said

" I'm cooking for you tonight, your place. I rocked a lap chole. Just me you and to. Family night" she said was he smiled

"Mm." he said as she kissed him. He knew how things have been but he knew how he wanted to make it work with grace despite everything they had happened

Grace walked over to Jackson and looked to him "I need to talk to you"

"I'm pretty busy" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"I don't care Avery. You and Elle have been through a lot but do you know one thing. She's good for you, too good for you if you ask me and I know you have had your issues but don't think I haven't seen it how your pushing Elle away and getting close to Lexie so I am only going to say it once, if you hurt my sister I will kill you. I mean it. If you hurt her I will hurt you don't think there's nothing I won't do for her. She's my twin the bond we have is great so watch what you do" Grace said as Jackson frowned

Hidden feelings •J. Avery•Where stories live. Discover now