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Test Tube was in her assigned room in Hotel OJ. She was fortunately able to haul a lot of her science supplies over after she got eliminated, although she had to fight with OJ to let her have it.
Now that she was eliminated from Inanimate Insanity Season two, she was finally able to continue her scientific studies.

Test Tube was tapping a pen on her clipboard, studying her various tubes of liquid. They were all capped with cork so they wouldn't emit any dangerous gasses, but just to be safe, she kept a mask on.

She looked down at her clipboard, trying to find the difference between certain chemical reactions and if she could use them in human safe projects. Although she had no luck finding anything interesting so far.

Test tube looks at the clock on the wall. 12:43 AM.

"Ugh... The things I'll do for science" Test tube groans, her tiredness starting to overcome her. She refused to sleep though, not until she had found SOMETHING.
"Just one more combination...." Test Tube mumbled through her fatigue.

While reaching for a vile, the back of her hand knocked over her tube stand, sending two different tubes crashing to the ground, shattering on impact.

"Crap!" Test tube cursed in a low stern whisper, hoping the loud shatter hadn't woken anyone up. The two liquids pooled onto the ground, mixing together. "This is exactly what I needed...." Test Tube said sarcastically, tightening her mask and finding some gloves to clean the mess up with.

While Test Tube was rummaging through her things to find gloves, the mixture was spreading across the floor rapidly. The mixture had made its way over to the vent that was on the floor.

Test Tube hadn't noticed this in time though, nor had she really noticed it at all. She finally came over with her gloves and some cleaning supplies and wiped up all the chemicals on the floor.

When she finished cleaning, she noticed a strange bleach-like stain on the hardwood hotel floor.

"Goodness.. OJ's gonna kill me for this one." She puts her stool over the stain, hoping OJ won't investigate her room too hard to see it. "I think that's enough thinking for one day" Test Tube sighs and leaves her science supplies to get ready for bed. She was a little disappointed she didn't get the results she was hoping for.

At least not yet.

She quickly gets into bed, checking her phone to answer the many unread messages Fan left her while she was working. "Sorry Fan, science got in the way of life I'm afraid." Test Tube jokes to herself before turning off her lights and going off to sleep.

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