Gatomon Comes Calling

Start from the beginning

Tai opens the door and started sliding on the floor with his front towards their mom as she was busy cooking with Agumon hiding behind him. Agumon trips, but quickly got up as Keiko and Renamon hurriedly pushes him towards the door so Yuuko doesn't see him when she turns around, only seeing Kari, looking all sweet and innocent as she chuckled nervously.

"Hey." said Tai as he opens the door to see Izzy.

"Hey, are you both ready to go?" asked Izzy, then looks at Agumon. "Agumon, you digivolved."

"You bet I did. All I needed was a good meal." said Agumon.

"Psst. Its me." said someone. They looked over to see Tentomon was dressed in a green coat and a yellow cap.

"Tentomon, nice disguise, dude." said Tai.

"I like it. It suits you." said Keiko, causing Tentomon to blush.

"Thanks Tai and Keiko. I put it together myself." said Tentomon.

"Wait till Mimi sees you." said Tai.

"I need one too." said Agumon.

"Yeah, got any ideas?" asked Tai.

"What about my disguise?" asked Renamon.

"Actually Renamon, you and I are going to stay here. Remember?" said Keiko.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot." she said with a paw behind her head.

"You're hiding something from us, aren't you?" asked Tai.

"I'm not going to say anything. I promised Gennai that I wouldn't." said Keiko.

"What about you, Renamon?" asked Agumon.

"I can't say anything either. We both promised Gennai." said Renamon. The four of them then walked off to the park with Agumon wearing a hoodie, no one paying attention to them, meaning the digimon blended in pretty well, leaving Keiko and Renamon back at home.

"Yeah, pretty inconspicuous." said Tai as they come to a cross walk.

"So, Tai, did you find your address book from school?" asked Izzy as they waited at the light.

"Oh, uh, well, Sora was in my class, so I thought we just use hers." said Tai.

"Uh huh. Couldn't find it, huh?" asked Izzy. Later, the four of them arrived in the park to find Matt, T.K., Gabumon and Patamon being the only ones arriving before them.

"Alright, listen up everybody; I called you all here today because, well, uh, there was nothing good on tv." said Tai.

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Tai. So where are the others?" asked Matt.

"Where's Keiko?" asked T.K.

"She and Renamon are at home to spend time with my other sister Kari." replied Tai.

"I'll make sure to tell them what's going on." said Agumon.

"Hey!" someone shouted as there was some giggling. Sora was running over to them with her address book under her arm with Biyomon flying beside her. "Don't start without me." Sora called out as she ran over, then stopped when she reached the others. "Ah. Good morning."

"Ok, so where's Mimi?" asked Tentomon.

"She's probably out buying clothes." said Izzy. Just then, they all hear Mimi's voice coming up behind them, causing them to turn around to see her pushing a baby stroller. "Oh, get out and walk. You're too heavy to push." Mimi whined to Palmon.

"Mimi, how's that going to look? I'm supposed to look like a wittle baby." said Palmon, with a baby bonnet on her head.

"You just grew up, now get out." said Mimi. Once they joined the others, they all sat down in a circle and started the meeting without Joe and Gomamon. "Hey, did you guys see it?" Sora asked the others. "It was all over the news on tv this morning."

Digimon: Digital Monsters Season 1Where stories live. Discover now